The Right Wing way

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Big Mike
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The Right Wing way

Post by Big Mike »

The Presidents energy policies creates lower gas prices, which generates 40 billion dollars into the pockets of Middle class working American families. KNOW WAY IN HELL , is the GOP going stand for that, they will find a way to steal that money, what a disgrace they are. The GOP has but one long term goal, eliminate the middle class, and have but two classes the very rich and the very poor. THE RIGHT WING WAY.

As gas prices fall, higher federal gas tax proposed
Jan 12th 2015 10:18PM 589 Comments

WASHINGTON - With gas prices at their lowest in years, Senator Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) is proposing a gas tax hike.

The current federal gas tax is 18.4 cents per gallon and has not been raised since 1993.

Senator Corker has proposed a 12 cent per gallon hike spread over two years.

Revenue from the tax funds interstate projects, some of which have been delayed, as less money has come in as vehicles become more efficient.
Big Mike

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Re: The Right Wing way

Post by Rabbithoundjb »

I am opposed to any tax hikes as I have stated many times don't care which dummazz is proposing it. Oh Big Mike you are soooooo easy, the presidents energy policies, LMAO. Why don't you try OPEC is the reason for the falling gas prices. Odummazz has nothing to do with it, GEEZ!

cris axtell/coal hill ken
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Re: The Right Wing way

Post by cris axtell/coal hill ken »

What are you whining about big Mike? We just got hit with almost 20 cent new tax here in pa. Bought gas for $1.85 gal in Ohio its $2.45 here.
COAL HILL KENNELS. LP GR CH Coal Hill's Brush Buster. 2014 PA state champion LP GR CH Coal Hill's Mama Cass. 2010 PA state champion LP R CH GR BCH Coal Hill's Princess Willow HOG DOG POWER!!!!

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Re: The Right Wing way

Post by bluemouse »

Want to talk about taxes Mike tell everybody how the ACA tax is helping the middle class. As for the gas tax mike don't obabbler have a pen and a phone or do you think he rubbing his hands together for more spending of tax payor money,

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Re: The Right Wing way

Post by Newt »

Surprised Mike that you are cheering on low energy more carbon burning. Don't you Obama supporters have any core values? You claim that you are worried about the environment. More taxes for alternative energy. The planet is in danger. We must elect more Progressives.

What energy policy has Obama initiated? The Saudi's are trying to run the Frakers out of business plus hurt Russia/Iran. I guess you could say they are aiding Obama as well. I don't know if it is intentional.
Anyone with half a brain knows Corker for what he is. You don't get your face on TV as often as Corker without being an inside the beltway man. He may have an "R" beside his name but he nor Gov. Haslem are any friend of the American citizens. They have shown their colors but most are too blind to see.

Pine Lakes
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Re: The Right Wing way

Post by Pine Lakes »

Whoa Big Mike! Put the coolaid down for just a minute. The cost per barrel of oil is directly related to the fracking industry along with the threat of the XL pipeline. Two things you silly dems have fought hard against. OPEC realizes that they will no longer have a monopoly on the oil supply so they are dropping the price in an attempt to prevent further development. Now, in all your glorious wisdom, you give credit to Obama for lowering the price of gasoline by some unknown policy that you fail to mention. This is an example of how the free market works. All we need Congress to do now is repeal Obamacare and deregulate private insurance to allow competition amongst providers so we can save our healthcare industry.

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Alabama John
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Re: The Right Wing way

Post by Alabama John »

Healthcare is a losing industry.

Only a matter of time until the young quit paying for the old to be treated at high cost to save a few years.
Already being done to doctors and soon when one gets sick, they will be put in a home, treated good and allowed to die for the financial betterment of their children and grandchildren.
Times are changing!!!

Pine Mt Beagles
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Re: The Right Wing way

Post by Pine Mt Beagles »

by Big Mike » Wed Jan 14, 2015 12:10 am

The Presidents energy policies creates lower gas prices, which generates 40 billion dollars into the pockets of Middle class working American families. KNOW WAY IN HELL , is the GOP going stand for that, they will find a way to steal that money, what a disgrace they are. The GOP has but one long term goal, eliminate the middle class, and have but two classes the very rich and the very poor. THE RIGHT WING WAY.

Big Mike
You left out the best Economic Growth Record since 1999- The Highest Stock Market As a Well as Biggest Increases in Individual Retirement Equities,oh,And the Booming Auto Industry,and Housing Market.
The Longest Private Sector Job Growth ,,Most Jobs Created ,Gealth Care Etc.

Remember,you are Talking to people who are incapable of any Rational Thought process,,People who have sacrificed their Soul and First Born to The Elite.Whos only thought is to give to the Elite.

Americans,,Don't deserve any better,,than the Plutocrat Government ,it Promotes,America Has Abandoned God,and Replaced God with the Elite ,,The Republican Party, is no Longer just The Anti America,,Party,,Republicans are ,,True Infidels who care nothing for ,,God ,Country or Fellow Man,,,They are People who think that because They were Fortunate enough to Be Born into A Family of Republican Infidels ,,They Are Special.

Anyone who can look at the Extreme Advances America has Made ,,in Economic Growth,,Job. Creation ,,Productivity,,Auto Industry,Housing,Health Care,,,and Just Say,,,Hey ,,,,,,it's Not REAL,,,,,,WELL THEY.

Will Never Join the Human Race.

If a man shuts his ears to the cry of the poor, he too will cry out and not be answered

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Re: The Right Wing way

Post by Rabbithoundjb »


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