We will lose our liberties if we control the border: Jeb Bus

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We will lose our liberties if we control the border: Jeb Bus

Post by Newt »

Jeb Bush: We will lose our liberties if we control the border
By Pedro Gonzales

Jeb Bush made a series of astonishing remarks about immigration Wednesday. Actually, his comments were not so much about immigration as they were about illegal aliens.

First he said he wanted to repopulate Detroit with illegal aliens.

It just seems to me that maybe if you open up our doors in a fair way and unleashed the spirit of peoples' hard work, Detroit could become in really short order, one of the great American cities again," Bush said then. "Now it would look different, it wouldn't be Polish...But it would be just as powerful, just as exciting, just as dynamic. And that's what immigration does and to be fearful of this, it just seems bizarre to me.

Now, if we were talking about legal immigration, I would probably agree. But I think you and I both know whom Jeb was talking about "opening the doors" for. Illegal aliens are already roosting in our inner cities in the millions. Jeb simply wants to accelerate the process. But wait, there's more.

He said, during a discussion with Univision, that it was "ridiculous" to think that DREAMers, children brought to the U.S. by their parents illegally, shouldn't have an "accelerated path" to citizenship.

"I've never felt like the sins of the parents should be ascribed to the children, you know," Bush said in 2013. "If your children always have to pay the price for adults decisions they make — how fair is that? For people who have no country to go back to — which are many of the DREAMers — it's ridiculous to think that there shouldn't be some accelerated path to citizenship."

So if the parents commit a crime, like robbing a bank, and give the money to the kids, we can't take the money away, because it's not fair to the kids. If illegals bring their kids here so they can benefit from the American taxpayer, there is no reason why we should let those kids benefit. Period. I don't call them DREAMers, the liberal word for them that Jeb is so comfortable with. I call them NIGHTMARERS.

But here's the most incredible statement:

Other comments included that Bush declared that "it's not possible in a free country to completely control the border without us losing our freedoms and liberties."

Bush thinks we lose our liberties when we secure our borders? Really? What about all the freedom and security we've lost by having an open border, as we've had for years?

Don't all the violent gangs and drug dealers coming across the border cause us to lose liberty?

Don't all the people coming across the border and then going on welfare cause us to lose our economic liberty?

Don't all the terrorists overstaying their visas and crashing planes into the World Trade Center cause 3,000 people to lose their liberty, as well as their lives?

Don't all the people coming across the border to take jobs that would otherwise go to Americans also cost us liberty?

Don't all the people who come across the border, refuse to assimilate, and create pockets of foreign culture in a foreign language in our cities cost us our liberty?

Don't all the people who come across our border and then illegally vote in our elections, and/or demand citizenship so they can do that, also cost us our liberty?

When Jeb Bush talks about freedom and liberty, he's only talking about the freedom and liberty of illegal aliens. He doesn't show the slightest concern for the freedom and liberty of American citizens. It's only by controlling the border that we can ensure our liberty. But Jeb is obviously not the man to do that.

Read more: http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/201 ... z3QuURM29f
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Which is it? Bush is Obama light, or is Obama Bush light?
It must be the fluoride that has been in the Texas drinking water for the last fifty years.

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Re: We will lose our liberties if we control the border: Jeb

Post by Rabbithoundjb »

NO BUSH, NO CLINTON. I like Scott Walker but it's still early.

Big Mike
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Re: We will lose our liberties if we control the border: Jeb

Post by Big Mike »

Rabbithoundjb wrote:NO BUSH, NO CLINTON. I like Scott Walker but it's still early.
Scott Walker? who said teachers and firefighters are equivalent to ISIS ?
Big Mike

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Re: We will lose our liberties if we control the border: Jeb

Post by Rabbithoundjb »

ISIS the J.V team. I am sure IF Scoot Walker actually said that there is a vidio somewhere, IE YOUTUBE. You will hurry out and post that for all of us right Big Mike.

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Re: We will lose our liberties if we control the border: Jeb

Post by Newt »

Mike, maybe you can answer the question. Why does Obama not join Egypt, Jordan, and the Kurds in fighting ISIS. Instead of encouraging Iran to increase their dominance in the region, we could be furnishing support to our traditional allies and thwarting the spread of radical Islam. Each of those countries has been fighting ISIS even though they are under manned and without sufficient fire power.
I believe you will agree that Iran has been one of the main instigators of terrorism throughout the world.

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Re: We will lose our liberties if we control the border: Jeb

Post by bluemouse »

Mike thinks like obabbler that they can seperate Irans support of terror and Iran having a nuke.

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Re: We will lose our liberties if we control the border: Jeb

Post by Newt »

Big Mike wrote:
Rabbithoundjb wrote:NO BUSH, NO CLINTON. I like Scott Walker but it's still early.
Scott Walker? who said teachers and firefighters are equivalent to ISIS ?
Mike its a fact that Obama's team has stated that Christians, Conservatives, and Veterans pose a threat of terrorism

Obama compares ISIS with Christianity DHS calls Conservatives USA Vets terrorists threats.

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Re: We will lose our liberties if we control the border: Jeb

Post by Pine Mt Beagles »

Re: We will lose our liberties if we control the border: Jeb
by Big Mike » Thu Mar 05, 2015 4:10 pm

Rabbithoundjb wrote:
NO BUSH, NO CLINTON. I like Scott Walker but it's still early.

Scott Walker? who said teachers and firefighters are equivalent to ISIS ?

Scott Walker will be the Next President ,,Unless something REALLY ,REALLY CHANGES,,

Walker is a pure Republican,,
He Hates America,
The proof Sick and Elderly,
Anyone who Works,,
He Loves Big Business. As long as they pay Him,
He thinks. Americans should Work for Script they Can ONLY SPEND AT WAL MARTS,
Teachers,Fire Fighters,and American Soldiers,are nothing but,Leeches According to Walker and Republican politicians.

The greatest Nation on Earth ,at least Until the Republican Cancer finishes it off,

Walkers Motto

Right to Work for Nothing.

Just another Republican
Domestic Terrorist

If a man shuts his ears to the cry of the poor, he too will cry out and not be answered

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Re: We will lose our liberties if we control the border: Jeb

Post by Rabbithoundjb »

And the democrats motto.

we love the poor so we create more everyday.

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Re: We will lose our liberties if we control the border: Jeb

Post by Newt »

Speaking of Gov Walker, why does a leader who accomplishes his goals scare you democrats. Six years of wimpy, leading from behind, empty suit Obama has about destroyed the American reputation. Supposedly Obama is and intellectual. Heck his administration is so opaque, he doesn't even know what is going on. He has to read about it in the Newspaper. Who are all those Czars and Dept heads reporting to?

Gov. Scott Walker Signs Bill Into Law Making 25th Wisconsin Right-To-Work State

BROWN DEER, Wis. – Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker signed a right-to-work bill into law Monday, striking another blow against organized labor four years after the state effectively ended collective bargaining for public-sector workers.

Walker, a likely presidential candidate fresh on a weekend visit to Iowa, signed the bill affecting private-sector employees at an invitation-only ceremony at Badger Meter north of Milwaukee. The company's president was one of the few business owners who publicly supported the measure, which rocketed through the Legislature in less than two weeks.

His sleeves rolled up and his suit jacket off, the Republican governor sat at a table with a banner that said "Freedom to Work" as he signed the bill that makes it a misdemeanor to require workers to pay unions dues.

Just before the signing, Walker said the new law "sends a powerful message across the country and around the world."

Supporters have argued the law will help keep and attract new businesses to the state who were wary to spend in Wisconsin before. But opponents say it will drive down wages and make the workplace less safe.

"By signing Right to Work into law, Gov. Walker continues his crusade on the hard-working, middle-class families of Wisconsin," said Phil Neuenfeldt, president of the Wisconsin AFL-CIO in a prepared statement.

I guess old Neuenfeldt, will soon need to find and honest job and quit being a parasite sucking the life blood out of hard working Americans.

Pine Mt Beagles
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Re: We will lose our liberties if we control the border: Jeb

Post by Pine Mt Beagles »

Hitler accomplished a lot of his goals,,of course walker is much worse,

He is the Most important a Terrorist owned By,a The Kochs,,and Adelson .

If a man shuts his ears to the cry of the poor, he too will cry out and not be answered

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Re: We will lose our liberties if we control the border: Jeb

Post by Rabbithoundjb »

LMAO, only a complete fool could post vitriol. PMB you have become the laughing stock of this board just as Obama has become the laughing stock of the world. Two peas in pod just on different vines.

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Re: We will lose our liberties if we control the border: Jeb

Post by bluemouse »

The sad truth is the American people are losing their liberties as obabbler continues to run America in the ground, obabbler has created a army of trolls that accept his lies. Anybody that can say obabbler does not lie for political gain is blind. This adminstration wants people to belive ISIS is JV and Iran is not a threat to the world. Obabbler continues repeating he learns of national events in the news, really and the trolls fall in line. In my life time I have never seen America so divided or racism stirred so hard by the goverment. Seems every week the liberals spawn a new debate over taking down the American flag or accepting policies that tear the true nature of America apart. Wake up America.

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