Benghazi Truth

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Benghazi Truth

Post by wvmuskyhunter »

(Reuters) - Officials at the White House and State Department were advised two hours after attackers assaulted the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi, Libya, on September 11 that an Islamic militant group had claimed credit for the attack, official emails show.

I didnt want to copy and paste the whole stury but this came out on the 23rd. Has anyone else heard this story?

here is the link: ... 2C20121024

I didnt see this on CBS news. Why not? Hey Libs if your going to dispute this please give facts. No name calling as you dont even know me. Read the story before you start complaining.


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Re: Benghazi Truth

Post by bluemouse »

The liberal zombies have comprehenion problems so good luck trying to get a reply.

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Re: Benghazi Truth

Post by Newt »

Regardless if you think Obama said it was an act of terror one Fact holds true!

The US was attacked the first US Ambassador was killed in MANY MANY years and our PRESIDENT felt it was more important to attend a fundraiser in VEGAS!

How do you liberals even remotely ignore this fact no matter how many times you tell yourself that he did nothing wrong?

Its still an empty chair.

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Re: Benghazi Truth

Post by bluegrass »

The Truth About The Video Lie...

After watching Ambassador Stevens and three other Americans being slaughtered on tv, via drone, the White House concocted a video lie and apology to Muslims... Even though THEY KNEW EXACTLY WHAT HAPPENED.

On 9/12 Press Secretary Jay Carney immediately started TRYING TO CONVINCE AMERICA OF THE VIDEO LIE. On 9/16 UN Ambassador Susan Rice made a sweep ofseveral Sunday shows telling the video lie over and over. OBAMA HIMSELF even went on the David Letterman show to retell the same lie, then OBAMA GAVE A SPEECH AT THE UNITED NATIONS, AGAIN TELLING THE LIE and stating, "The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam."

Why? Since BARACK OBAMA CONTINUES TO OBFUSCATE THE TRUTH there can only be one reason... Obama did not want America to find out about his complete and utter failure and dereliction of duty so close to the November election. Obama figured he could slip the blame and stone-wall America until after the election.


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The 1st amendment allows the usual liberal narcissistic "I think.." which is how they start all their sentences.

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Re: Benghazi Truth

Post by Newt »

DAVID LETTERMAN, HOST: Here’s what upset me last night, this playing fast and loose with facts. And the President Obama cites the op-ed piece that Romney wrote about Detroit, “Let them go bankrupt, let them go bankrupt,” and last night he brings it up again. “Oh, no, Governor, you said let them go bankrupt, blah blah blah, let them go bankrupt.” And Mitt said, “No, no, check the thing, check the thing, check the thing.”

Now, I don’t care whether you’re Republican or Democrat, you want your president to be telling the truth; you want the contender to be lying. And so what we found out today or soon thereafter that, in fact, the President Obama was not telling the truth about what was excerpted from that op-ed piece. I felt discouraged.

RACHEL MADDOW: Because the “Let Detroit go bankrupt” headline you feel like was inappropriate?

LETTERMAN: Well, the fact the President is invoking it and swearing that he was right and that Romney was wrong and I thought, well, he’s the president of course he’s right. Well, it turned out no, he was taking liberties with that.

If you want your President to be telling the truth, then it’s time for a new President. And when a Democrat has lost David Letterman, and when Letterman tells people that the Republican was more honest than the Democrat, that is going to leave a big mark on Obama’s efforts to woo low-information voters, the very people Obama is trying to woo with his appearances on Entertainment Tonight, the late-night comedy shows, and MTV.

Who knows? Maybe Jay Leno will ask Obama a couple of tough questions tonight about his misrepresentations in the debates, and his personal attacks on Mitt Romney for the last several months. Pretty soon, the only safe interview for Obama will be on Sesame Street with Big Bird … and he’ll still insist on quote approval first.

Chuck Prather
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Re: Benghazi Truth

Post by Chuck Prather »

Glen you wont get a response from PMB or Big Mike on this unless they just call names and hurl slanders at you! Thats all they can do!

2500 HD
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Re: Benghazi Truth

Post by 2500 HD »

Three days after the bloody 9/11 siege on our consulate in Benghazi, the Taliban waged an intricately coordinated, brutal attack on Camp Bastion in Afghanistan. The murderous jihadists released video exactly one month ago this week showing off their training exercises in preparation for the assault. Where are the questions?

Where’s the accountability? Where’s the Obama administration? Where’s the press? Where’s the outrage?

Two heroic U.S. Marines were killed in the battle. Their names — Lt. Col. Christopher Raible and Sgt. Bradley Atwell – have not been uttered publicly by the commander in chief. Their arrival back in the U.S., in flag-draped coffins, was not broadcast on network TV. But their brothers-in-arms did not and will not forget. And neither must we.

On September 20, John Gresham of the Defense Media Network wrote a scathing detailed breakdown of this little-noticed terrorist attack on our troops. He called it “arguably the worst day in USMC aviation history since the Tet Offensive of 1968.” Eight irreplaceable aircraft were destroyed or put out of action by Taliban warriors dressed in U.S. combat fatigues — amounting to “approximately 7 percent of the total flying USMC Harrier fleet,” Gresham reported.

Read more at the link above.... ... on-attack/

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Re: Benghazi Truth

Post by bluegrass »

Notice the usual libtards are avoiding ANY discussion of Obambi and his bungling of the Benghazi fiasco.

Hard to defend the indefensible I guess...

Obama should go to jail regardless of whether he gets re-elected or not.
The 1st amendment allows the usual liberal narcissistic "I think.." which is how they start all their sentences.

The second amendment protects us from implementing "I think"

2500 HD
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Re: Benghazi Truth

Post by 2500 HD »

My personal feeling is that the kindest thing I could say about Hillary Clinton and Barrack Obama and his administration is that they show a very high level of incompetence in the way they gave incorrect information to the people. Then when they continued doing that, even after being told otherwise, incompetence degraded into outright lies..

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Re: Benghazi Truth

Post by Rabbithoundjb »

Over a week and no leftist response, crickets.

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Re: Benghazi Truth

Post by Newt »

Rabbithoundjb wrote:Over a week and no leftist response, crickets.
In their world it was the result of a UTube Video. Leftists march in lock step. If Media Matters ignores the deaths of those patriots, it never happened in their minds.

I would love to see a GI, who while he was being honored/interviewed by someone like Geraldo, ask if if you respect the GI so much why do you ignore the plight of the Benghazi victims. The Kenyan in Chief showed his true colors.
I saw Geraldo on FOX last week giving his best PM/Mike impersonation. It was sickening.

Defense officials decide they are not going to take the fall for this:

It’s unlikely any outside military team could have arrived in Benghazi quickly enough to save Ambassador Chris Stevens or his colleague Sean Smith, both of whom died from smoke inhalation after a band of more than 100 men overran the U.S. mission at around 9:30 p.m. that evening and set the buildings inside ablaze.

But military backup may have made a difference at around five the following morning, when a second wave of attackers assaulted the CIA annex where embassy personnel had taken refuge.

It was during this second wave of attacks that two ex-SEALs working for the CIA’s security teams—Glenn Dougherty and Tyrone Woods—were killed in a mortar strike… “The State Department is responsible for assessing security at its diplomatic installations and for requesting support from other government agencies if they need it,” a senior U.S. Defense official said.

“There was no request from the Department of State to intervene militarily on the night of the attack.” The president, however, would have the final say as to whether or not to send in the military.

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Re: Benghazi Truth

Post by woods »

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Re: Benghazi Truth

Post by bluegrass » of the most LEFTIST, anti American, COMMUNIST websites on the planet AND Geraldo Rivera...

Yep, thats a combo to put stock in.

The 1st amendment allows the usual liberal narcissistic "I think.." which is how they start all their sentences.

The second amendment protects us from implementing "I think"

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Re: Benghazi Truth

Post by Rabbithoundjb »

Well Woods I don't really get what your trying to point out maybe that this an Obama administration cover up, that they knew in advance this was likely to happen, that they apparently did nothing to prevent it and then did nothing to stop it, then blamed on something other than what they knew it was. Media matters, you are kidding right. Should I post something from Rush Limbaugh.

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Re: Benghazi Truth

Post by woods »

Sure you can post from Rush. But Geraldo is hardly a liberal. My point in the post was truth matters. He was passionate in that interview because he believed what he was saying. Am I saying he was right or wrong no not at all. Do I believe we just sat and watched Americans die? No. Do I believe there was some disception yes. But I think lieing on one side of this issue and any other issue is just as bad. Where are the true common sense Americans? Why is there so much hate and lies. Blatant lies. Not just this issue but a lot more. And since you brought up Rush why is he attacking Chris Christie? The man is doing his best for his state. Why isnt Rush trying to help the victims of the storms? Instead he spitting bullshit. Is that somebody you want to quote or follow?

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