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Bunny Huggers

Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2003 7:02 am
by Bev
This was posted on the UKC Message Board by Libby and I hope Libby doesn't mind that I copied and pasted here:

"I posted this in Oregon Lives Hunters forum and will post it everywhere I can think of, I am so mad at the bunny-huggers of Portland Metro area. A lot of the beagle hunters helping with this hunt used to hunt the big hounds until Oregon took away our right to hunt bear and lion with hounds. In fact, this is the last coonhound club left in Oregon. Please take a minute and tell ODFW (e-mail is: )there are many more hunters than anti-s out there! Sincere thanks, Libby Wentz

Hope this anti-s link works.

Caught the tail end of a news report this evening saying ODFW is cancelling the family rabbit hunt it was co-sponsoring this weekend. Apparently the bunny huggers protested today in Portland. Wish I had known that was going to happen. You can be sure I have now bookmarked the above site to see what is being planned by them in the future.

If Oregon hunters do not stick together, slowly but surely we will lose more and more rights...then the anglers will be preyed upon.

I urge you to drop a note or call ODFW and let your voice be heard over the din of the anti-s.


Bunny huggers

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2003 12:36 pm
by Missy
Bev - Thanks for moving Libby's post along to this sight. Libby and I belong to the same club that held the event. The update is: WOW! Although I was unable to attend the meeting, the turn out in support, to my understanding, was incredible. One member stated "I've never seen such a unified gathering of hunters and outdoor people." The Mary's Peak Hound Club held the event with a wonderful turn out. The families all stated great time had, learned a lot, and gave another avenue to spend time and teach their children proper hunting safety and ethics. There were only 3 protesters that showed up at the family seminar - they hung around without incident.
As a club we continue our efforts in saving EE Wilson from closer (slated for this June). Anyone interesting in learning more can contact me at
Thanks again Bev