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Re: Tomorrow NOON

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 2:31 pm
by chapkosbeagles
all I can say is u are a fool and we will never see eye to eye on this topic
I would like to agree with u on something. So I would be more than happy to sell u a pup. This way we can agree that u have a well breed dog. That might run down rabbits.

U are gona need to buy one of these hounds. If u want to harvest any rabbits. as with guys like u voting we will no longer be able to have guns. :bash:

Re: Tomorrow NOON

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 3:17 pm
by Mo. Beagler 5000
Rabbithoundjb wrote:Oh Mo. Beagler your barking up the wrong tree bud. As long as criminals can commit crimes and live off of the tax payers for the rest of their lives and lawyers can make millions of dollars off of this is going to continue to happen. If you think banning this or that is going to stop this sort behavior your only fooling yourself. If capital punishment was a common occurance in all 50 states for violent crime then you would see some results.

If you read my earlier posts, you would see that I addressed capital punishment.. I would gladly pull the switch for free in any state... It would have an affect on gun violence if we did it right. You are 100 percent right...

I also think you are spot on about welfare.. we need to make people suffer the consequences of their actions. This thing we call life isn't a video game!!! We reap what we sow.

However, since we both know that isn't going to happen, then next best thing is too control what we can. Tough gun registrations, better penalties and enforcement, not letting suicidal people own or have a firearm and when they do arrest the seller and buyer...
Not take them away from innocent people but make it darn hard for them to fall into the hands of lunatics.

Re: Tomorrow NOON

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 3:22 pm
by S.R.Patch
chapkosbeagles wrote:Mo5000
all I can say is u are a fool and we will never see eye to eye on this topic
I would like to agree with u on something. So I would be more than happy to sell u a pup. This way we can agree that u have a well breed dog. That might run down rabbits.

U are gona need to buy one of these hounds. If u want to harvest any rabbits. as with guys like u voting we will no longer be able to have guns. :bash:
:lol: ... yup, he's got a lot of life to live and alot to learn yet... :nod:

Re: Tomorrow NOON

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 3:30 pm
by Rabbithoundjb
I have a simple question for you Mo. beagler. (WHY) ISN'T IT GOING TO HAPPEN! Think about that before you answer it.

Re: Tomorrow NOON

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 3:50 pm
by Mo. Beagler 5000
Rabbithoundjb wrote:I have a simple question for you Mo. beagler. (WHY) ISN'T IT GOING TO HAPPEN! Think about that before you answer it.
Because the liberal dems won't allow it... .. That is all I got for that one. All-in-all that is the only reason we don't execute criminals after a speedy trial and its cloaked around the 1 in 5000 that are innocent. For me, I would rather kill one innocent life on accident and answer to God for that, then to allow for innocent people to suffer and be poor because we are housing murderers instead of a science and providing for our poor.

Also, we have built a culture of takers rather than "Ask not what you your country can do for you but you can do for your country" Its an embarrassing black eye for our country. it makes me wanna puke when I see someone take advantage of the system and I have family members who do it.

I will say it again, I am not a liberal although I do have some progressive ideas... I can't stand bleeding heart liberals anymore than I can stand fear mongering conservatives or the tea party.

Re: Tomorrow NOON

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 3:53 pm
by chapkosbeagles
Mo 5000
125 dollars cause u gona need that beagle. Them ugbf things not gona catch anything

Re: Tomorrow NOON

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 3:55 pm
by chris1971
Sorry but i have a question if restricting guns, ammo, or larger capacity clip were the best answer to this problem why did the government not restrict planes when they were flown into the twin towers? Why did they not restrict people that were allowed to fly on these airplanes? Why have we not restricted illegal alliens from entering our country? How many illegal alliens have killed innocent americans? Oh wait did i just say that? Funny to me that restricting our second admendment right is ok for liberals but if i say lets restrict services to illegal alliens they go nuts or if i profile and say ban muslims from flying that would be a slap in their face. I promise i am not racist or believe in profiling anyone so why should people with guns be profiled. Funny that we do not know what is good for us and we are the cause of the deaths of innocent people because we have guns! So if I own a gun with the capicity to hold 30 rounds of ammo does that put me in the same class as that nut job that killed those kids? Hell No! Some people need to wake up. I am so tired of liberals wanting to fix everyone else and never look at themselves. Trust me I do not need your help so please go away. Now I feel better! :D

Re: Tomorrow NOON

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 4:05 pm
by Mo. Beagler 5000
chapkosbeagles wrote:Mo 5000
125 dollars cause u gona need that beagle. Them ugbf things not gona catch anything
Don't you worry about my hounds. They have plenty of foot.... they are just fine and I'll still always have a gun to shoot bunnies with. the government isn't interested in legal gun use. Just the illegal stuff. I am not insane or a felon or mentally unstable.. There is 0 risk of me going postal so the government has no reason to fear me or take away my freedoms.
chris1971 wrote:Sorry but i have a question if restricting guns, ammo, or larger capacity clip were the best answer to this problem why did the government not restrict planes when they were flown into the twin towers? Why did they not restrict people that were allowed to fly on these airplanes? Why have we not restricted illegal alliens from entering our country? How many illegal alliens have killed innocent americans? Oh wait did i just say that? Funny to me that restricting our second admendment right is ok for liberals but if i say lets restrict services to illegal alliens they go nuts or if i profile and say ban muslims from flying that would be a slap in their face. I promise i am not racist or believe in profiling anyone so why should people with guns be profiled. Funny that we do not know what is good for us and we are the cause of the deaths of innocent people because we have guns! So if I own a gun with the capicity to hold 30 rounds of ammo does that put me in the same class as that nut job that killed those kids? Hell No! Some people need to wake up. I am so tired of liberals wanting to fix everyone else and never look at themselves. Trust me I do not need your help so please go away. Now I feel better! :D
Chris--we did restrict planes DAMNIT!! we made the TSA and we make no fly lists and we do all that we can to limit extremists and terrorists get on a plane. FOR HEAVENS SAKE WE LIMIT THE AMOUNT OF TOOTH PASTE WE CAN HAVE ON PLANES. Its probably the most restrictive thing in our society!!! If we restricted the guns the same way we regulated planes now, no one would have them...Can someone still hijack a plane, YES but its a HELL OF A LOT HARDER NOW!!

The rest of what you said is pretty spot on..Liberals are going out of their way to help illegals because it helps their voting block. Its pathetic...

Re: Tomorrow NOON

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 4:57 pm
by chris1971
No what I meant is do you restrict the vehicle that was used in the crash? Did they change the size of the planes? No of course they did not because that is dumb as it sounds. We all know that if it were a small plane the towers would still be standing and a lot less people would have died. This sounds silly and I agree but so does restricting our gun rights in any capacity. We handle everything with kid gloves and bandaids these days. We are told that we can't say things because it is not politically correct or we may offend someone. Well hell I am tired of being offended by a small majority of people that think they know what is best for me. The sad part of all this is that what we need more than anything are MORALS not more restrictions on our rights. Man feels good to get this stuff off my chest! Sorry if i offended anyone. ;)

Re: Tomorrow NOON

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 6:27 pm
by Mo. Beagler 5000
chris1971 wrote:No what I meant is do you restrict the vehicle that was used in the crash? Did they change the size of the planes? No of course they did not because that is dumb as it sounds. We all know that if it were a small plane the towers would still be standing and a lot less people would have died. This sounds silly and I agree but so does restricting our gun rights in any capacity. We handle everything with kid gloves and bandaids these days. We are told that we can't say things because it is not politically correct or we may offend someone. Well hell I am tired of being offended by a small majority of people that think they know what is best for me. The sad part of all this is that what we need more than anything are MORALS not more restrictions on our rights. Man feels good to get this stuff off my chest! Sorry if i offended anyone. ;)

And my answer again is yes.... When vehicles have design flaws or unsafe they issue recalls. If cars exceed the fuel mileage recommendations they are not allowed to be put in production. In aviation they are having a huge problem with lithium batteries from Boeing right now and have halted their use till they fix the problem... till they fix the problem.... It is a smart thing to do... Its not smart to just get rid of flying altogether but restricting unsafe planes is pretty smart...

Just like it would be asinine to ban all guns or maybe even all calibers or what have you but limiting the ones that kill the most would make sense till we fix the systemic violence in this country. No one is calling for getting rid of guns.... no one but crazy people but they are not in the majority.

For you guys who are constitutionalists, do I get this right? If we made it unconstitutional to own a firearm would you still uphold the constitution?? Probably not because its something you disagree with.. So using the "because its in the constitution argument" is foolish because its a living document and can change as its citizens change.. thats what it was intended to do.. You think when they wrote people had the right to bear arms they were talking about black people, women, kids.... etc. But we don't let ten year olds buy guns and yet no one has any problem with that. What if he wanted to join a militia... why is that restriction ok but not others????????

Re: Tomorrow NOON

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 6:51 pm
by hookset
When the number of rounds you have in a magazine or a scary "looking" weapon is the focus of fixing the problem, then your solution is flawed. End of story.

It takes 2 seconds to change magazines. So if I had ten 10 round magazines or three 30 round magazines, it makes no difference as to how many people could be hurt. The solution is in the person, not the type of firearm they have.

This is just an example of never letting a good crisis go to waste, a time honored liberal strategy. An AR rifle WAS NOT used to harm those kids, but that is what they want to ban. Four pistols were used to massacre those kids. "Assault" weapons are rarely used in gun violence. Usually, it's a hunting style firearm or a cheap pistol, acquired illegally. Punishing law abiding citizens has nothing to do with solving the problem, it just promotes an agenda.

Re: Tomorrow NOON

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 7:22 pm
by Mo. Beagler 5000
hookset wrote:When the number of rounds you have in a magazine or a scary "looking" weapon is the focus of fixing the problem, then your solution is flawed. End of story.

It takes 2 seconds to change magazines. So if I had ten 10 round magazines or three 30 round magazines, it makes no difference as to how many people could be hurt. The solution is in the person, not the type of firearm they have.

This is just an example of never letting a good crisis go to waste, a time honored liberal strategy. An AR rifle WAS NOT used to harm those kids, but that is what they want to ban. Four pistols were used to massacre those kids. "Assault" weapons are rarely used in gun violence. Usually, it's a hunting style firearm or a cheap pistol, acquired illegally. Punishing law abiding citizens has nothing to do with solving the problem, it just promotes an agenda.
Show me proof the AR was not used.. I have given 5 links that say it was. Only one news outlet reported on the day of the shooting that the AR was in his trunk but clearly the cops pulled a shotgun out of the trunk on the video... Sure its a minor point in the grand scheme of things I and I am sure i could kill 20 kids with a 12 gauge but lets at least get the facts right.. He did use an AR ... shootings/ This was JUST RELEASED FROM THE STATE POLICE AND THE FBI HAS A PICTURE OF THE USED CASINGS!!

How in the heck do you want me or us to take you serious if your going to outright LIE about the facts....

Re: Tomorrow NOON

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 7:56 pm
by adirondackjoe
rabbithoundjb just because i voted for the Obama don't think i stand to the left. i think he was handed a crap sandwich and had to take a big bite. i also think he's doing the best he can. my reasons for not voting for Romney are my own. last i checked we still live in a democracy. so don't wrap yourself in a flag then assume you know anything about me...... mo, did you ever get the feeling you were talking to a wall? that if you disagree with someone you must NOT be an American.

Re: Tomorrow NOON

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 8:30 pm
by Panther Creek
I heard Michelle wants to elimanate obecity in the U.S., so the answer is to limit each household to 3 spoons. Spoons make people fat. :biggrin:

Re: Tomorrow NOON

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 8:38 pm
by hookset
Mobeagle, you don't listen, you just rant. I told you before, the FACT bulletin sent out said that four handguns had been used. The AR was used to shoot some windows out, but no children. YOU have no facts. I can't put government-only e-mails on this board, but I think MY word holds far more weight than yours and your Google search bar.

You can put all the trust you want in your choice of news media. I'd have thought you learned that not everything printed was the truth through your own experiences. If you want to keep impeaching my integrity, this can get ugly real quick by comparing it to yours. I'm not the type of guy that uses a public forum to bring up private matters, but I'm not going to be called a liar either.