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Opinion on bad scent day

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2015 6:26 pm
by Cottonbust kennel
I talked to a man the other day that has been beagling for 30 years and he said there's no such thing as bad scent days,just bad dogs. I highly disagree but I would like everybody's opinion on it so he can see for himself thanks

Re: Opinion on bad scent day

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2015 6:29 pm
by tobyyellott
When that east wind blows it hard for them to keep it going

Re: Opinion on bad scent day

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2015 6:46 pm
by randy hicks
I agree with the old man

Re: Opinion on bad scent day

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2015 6:58 pm
by RDN61
Then I've got a bunch of bad dogs! ouch.

Re: Opinion on bad scent day

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2015 7:11 pm
by BCBeagles
There are ignorant old men just like there are wise old men.....mine have bad days....I don't have internet running every time out.... :lol:

Re: Opinion on bad scent day

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2015 7:25 pm
by Newt
BCBeagles wrote:There are ignorant old men just like there are wise old men.....mine have bad days....I don't have internet running every time out.... :lol:
We have this discussion pretty often.
I doubt many minds have been changed unless they changed the style of hound.

Yep an ignorant old man said that Does don't give off scent. ;) I'll bet that guy has a lot of bad scenting days.
Truthfully, there are bad scenting days, and Does that can give a hard charging reckless dog a fit. Been awhile since I've had a day that they didn't circle a rabbit. Blue sky days seem to be the worst when the dew point is low.

Re: Opinion on bad scent day

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2015 10:03 am
by rabbitatfarm
Just came in from running and we got six or seven rabbits up. Most ran a pretty big circle; others ran a short distance and went to a brush pile. I almost stepped on a rabbit and we called the dogs in--they were all within about 20-30 feet of the jump. Not one of the four dogs could get a line. They may have hit it a 20-30 yards out when it exited a corn patch. Prior, they all were in on at least three good races. Does withholding scent sounds feasible. If anyone ever unravels the secret of scenting, he'll be a millionaire.


Re: Opinion on bad scent day

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2015 12:09 pm
by Alabama John
Pregnant rabbits and ones with little ones do not give out scent.

Neither do the baby rabbits and if they did, there would not be any rabbits around as every meat eating varmit, hawks, etc. loves rabbit as well as we do. Nest right on the ground would be emptied fast if they could be scented.

Seen it work that way for many years and was told that by grandfathers born in the 1800's. Sure was believed by those of yesteryear who ate what they killed and hunted to survive instead of sport. They had pretty good dogs back then and some of yours have that same blood running in their veins.

Just an old mans observation causing him to agree with them and expressing an opinion. Believe it or not, totally your choice!!!

Re: Opinion on bad scent day

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2015 11:05 pm
by Aubrey Holcombe
It' All about the Dew Point.

If the dew point, is Low like 4 or 5%,, Don't care what kind of hounds you got,, they Will Not be able to run then .

Take it form this very Ol' Red Neck,, how about a 1939 year model, having beagles 70 year..


Re: Opinion on bad scent day

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2015 6:51 am
by rabbitatfarm
Hard to argue with experience.


Re: Opinion on bad scent day

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2015 7:15 am
by likeemfast
Not saying hounds dont struggle on certain days cuz i own ones that do but if you have ever seen a "Phenom", a actual "Superman" of the beagle breed you may change your mind. We have had one, makes everything else we have had in the past 30 plus years since him not compare and we've been fortunate to have a couple other pretty decent ones but nothing like the "Phenom". Were still trying to duplicate, replicate, or just plain old buy a sequel. Sorry to say i think that movie will never ever have a Part II, and as we all know the best movies never do.

Re: Opinion on bad scent day

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2015 7:59 am
by eddywilliams
I am fortunate to own several that I have witnessed drive bunnies in severe dry ,frozen ,snow... wind,enjoyable to witness.Cryon Bo Diddley has the nose to run in most conditions.

Re: Opinion on bad scent day

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2015 8:42 am
by RDN61
Hounds get better after they are gone and fish grow after you eat them! :D I'm not saying there are not dogs that can run on bad days I've had a couple, but some days they struggled and some they didn't. I think the post was about good and bad scent.

Re: Opinion on bad scent day

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2015 9:50 am
by randy hicks
Bad scent only way we can prove there is such a thing is if we can smell it. which we cant, but a great hound will. fox, coyotes, fishers, all these can track in any condition. men make excuses... now eddy Williams has a hound I have ran with in all conditions she never was money every time out.

Re: Opinion on bad scent day

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2015 10:00 am
by hard on a check
randy hicks wrote: now eddy Williams has a hound I have ran with in all conditions she was money every time out.
"All we need is just a little Patience"