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Garmin,am i the only one having these thoughts?

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2015 1:35 am
I wonder if Garmin is playing us for a bunch of idiots. They may have the "Alpha 3.0 Ultra lite" already made and the "ultra lite 2" in the oven. I would seriously doubt the ppl they have designing these systems are stupid enough not to know exactly what they Are doing. dc20,dc30,dc40,dc50, 220,320,alpha, 110,115 ect ect ect ...
Let me take a stab at whats going on: If they got it right the first time everyone could purchase one system and just add the receivers as needed ???

Do I like my 220 n dc40's yes but I don't have to like being played by a company!!!

Re: Garmin,am i the only one having these thoughts?

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2015 4:59 am
by tom summers
They are applying the Apple I phone strategy. It works for apple so why not them? With that being said i am not sure that they are considering the fact that houndsmen as a group are pretty fruegal with our money because we usually have too many dogs to feed. There are other sporting dog groups that spend far more than we do ,They pay more for puppies, equip., etc. that is why in advertisements majority of the time bird dogs are used and not beagles.

Re: Garmin,am i the only one having these thoughts?

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2015 6:31 am
by wildcatfan0309
They didnt become the world famous company we know as garmin by being stupid.
People want the newest and more developed product and garmin knows it!!
They aint twisting knowbodys arm to buy any of their products.
Im saying they have saved more of their customers money than money we have gave them with their products by finding lost dogs, breaking trash dogs and developing those trash dogs into quality dogs, and not just the money thing but also peace of mind that the hunters have by know that their dogs are wearing a quality product in the field.
I know its made my hunting more enjoyable over the years.

Re: Garmin,am i the only one having these thoughts?

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2015 7:15 am
by steve w
Garmin is in business to make money and the only way to do that is sell the product. The only way to keep selling is to keep improving, I was surprised when they made a collar that did not require an upgrade on the receiver. Also as fast as technology changes it does not surprise me they have had so many changes. I have also wondered what percentage of the market we beaglers are, I doubt we are an overwhelming influence on Garmin. I'm still waiting on Marshall to unveil there GPS system, and how about Tracker, they tried but failed and I don't think they are in business any more with any tracking system. I use the 320 and DC40's, they are trying to phase out the 40's it seems because when I tried to get one repaired they offered a 50 as replacement cheaper than a 40. I also do not see any offered by the retailers.I went for it and wished I had not because I really don't like it, the square design and collar-antennae set up just does not work well with smaller dogs. So if in fact they are going to offer something new I'm all for it, maybe it will even work better for a beagle even if we are a minority.

Re: Garmin,am i the only one having these thoughts?

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2015 8:35 am
by Smoke'n Mack
Garmin is doing exactly what any company would do, if they intend to keep selling equipment. I personally can't wait for the next Alpha and collar. Hopefully the collar shrinks, I'll buy. I've been running the 320 setup with DC-40's alongside a Trashbreaker for about 4 years now without problem. It's paid for itself over and over again. Looking forward to one handheld to control everything.

Re: Garmin,am i the only one having these thoughts?

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2015 10:10 am
by Chevy10
I refuse giving that much money for something like that!!! They r just like the I phone ever year they make a newer one supposed to b better an better y can't they just leave well enough alone. I'm sticking to my tri tronics ppl can make fun of me all they want I'm not trying to impress any one !!!

Re: Garmin,am i the only one having these thoughts?

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2015 10:16 am
by warddog
JUDE wrote:I wonder if Garmin is playing us for a bunch of idiots. They may have the "Alpha 3.0 Ultra lite" already made and the "ultra lite 2" in the oven. I would seriously doubt the ppl they have designing these systems are stupid enough not to know exactly what they Are doing. dc20,dc30,dc40,dc50, 220,320,alpha, 110,115 ect ect ect ...
Let me take a stab at whats going on: If they got it right the first time everyone could purchase one system and just add the receivers as needed ???

Do I like my 220 n dc40's yes but I don't have to like being played by a company!!!
Jude, it is called monopolizing an industry so that the customer is at the mercy of the industry leader(s). Interesting is that so many swore by tri-tronics and are now left out in the cold with those units as far as getting them repaired, replaced or even finding parts. Look how long it took to just get G2/3 replacement batteries. I understand that technology is constantly changing as is the ability of hunters to even have places to hunt. I'm an ole dog that when I learn a new trick I'm not apt to change that as I change my underwear and will hang onto what I know how to use as long as I can. I can remember when we had NONE of this technology and then the beeper tracking systems were the hottest thing since fresh baked bread. These things were talked about just like the new technology is now and I often look back and think if all this is but a means of dumbing down America. I'm old enough to remember the old long hand way of figuring out problems then here comes slide rules and how they were replaced with calculators, then computers to the point that youngsters today can't even write out a problem as they punch them into their computer at school and it figures it out for them. Now even the books are gone, what will be next? We already see schools being closed and children schooled at home. Maybe we will get rid of actual dogs and replace them with robotic transmitters and receivers and we will sit here in front of the computer to watch and control the chase. Sorry, I may have gotten off track so write it off as just an ole man rambling from personal experience over the years.

Re: Garmin,am i the only one having these thoughts?

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2015 11:12 am
by Double E Kennels
Love mine , but would like them a lil smaller

Re: Garmin,am i the only one having these thoughts?

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2015 12:54 pm
by Tuff-E-Nuff
Have used Garmin Tracking systems every since they first came out and up graded every time they come out with something better, its worth every penny I have spent and soon as they come out with another improvement I will spend some more $$ LOL

Re: Garmin,am i the only one having these thoughts?

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2015 7:33 pm
by wildcatfan0309

Sorry, I may have gotten off track so write it off as just an ole man rambling from personal experience over the years.
This is all i heard in the whole ramble

Re: Garmin,am i the only one having these thoughts?

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2015 7:33 pm
by wildcatfan0309

Sorry, I may have gotten off track so write it off as just an ole man rambling from personal experience over the years.
This is all i heard in the whole ramble lol

Re: Garmin,am i the only one having these thoughts?

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2015 7:53 pm
by hlane
Maybe they learned from the archery industry ?? sometime a little better every year!

Re: Garmin,am i the only one having these thoughts?

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2015 10:48 pm
by Remmy
Beep, beep collars haven't changed in years. We see how well that's working for those companies...

Re: Garmin,am i the only one having these thoughts?

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2015 2:47 am
by jdwiley
I like this thread! I've been back and forth on whether to purchase a garmin or not!
Back in 1994, I bought my first tri-tronics system. Swore I'd never have another hound without one! Then I got a wildlife materials 10 dog tracking system. Still have it and use it, but I watch my buddies carrying their garmins in their pocket, while my reciever is in the truck, too cumbersome to carry and use!
We don't have the luxury of huge tracts of land where I am anymore, so it's sure nice to know where them hounds are!

I am glad they are constantly improving, long as you don't get left out all together if you don't upgrade. Which seems to be the case with the old tritronics systems!

By the way, I sold that first tritronics system to a buddy of mine about 16-17 years ago. It still works! The next system I bought didn't last very long and I bought a g2 system. It's been ok but has little quirks about it. Can't complain though, it's probably 8-9 years old! Guess I'm not one to upgrade right away!!

Re: Garmin,am i the only one having these thoughts?

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2015 5:34 am
by 44magman
love my garmin had a 220 and dc 30s gust upgraded to a 320 and dc50s , I would not have upgraded to the 320 but the price was just to good to pass up . sold my 220 and two collars for 450 and bought the 320 and two collars for 600 I could justify that . saves a lot of time finding the dogs .