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Be careful when U go to the UP.

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 10:49 am
by Catfish
I was at the Darkshade Beagle Club Yesterday, and was talking to a good friend. Jim Campell, was up at the UP on a rabbit hunting trip and had 4 of his best Dog out with him. The Dogs got a Hare up and they all joined in and was running. then all of the Sudden he herd them screaming he took after them running and hollering they where all dead in less than 30 seconds when he found them he had tracking collars on them they wheren't monving so it made it easy to find them they wherer riped to Pieces.It Was Wolfs he did see one them he pulled up to shot at one and his Gun Misfired. Jim called Mich. DNR. they sent a woman out to check this out, she said that she was very sorry about the Dogs and said the DNR did recently Stocked two Packs of Wolfs and they very territorial at this time of the year. Jim is pretty upset and there is nothing the Mich. DNR could do for him I don't know what part of the UP. he was in. Just be Carful.


Re: Be careful when U go to the UP.

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 11:48 am
by gun runner
That is a awfull story,I fell really sorry for him and like you said there nothing they can do or will to help that man out.Iam so gald we do not have no wolves,yotes.Don't know how you guys do.But would go on a wolf hunt and relocate them for DNR in the ground. :hammer: :hammer:

Re: Be careful when U go to the UP.

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 12:09 pm
by Rabbit Fever
Boy that sucks!!!!! When did this happen? I had a Wolf kill one of my hounds a few years back. But I live in WI, just below the U.P. In WI when a wolf attacks and kills your hound the DNR has to repay you for your loss. Tell your friend to keep checking with the MI DNR im sure there is a wolf depredation fund set up. The State of WI payed for my loss. The legislature in WI just passed a bill so we will have a Wolf season very soon!! The numbers are way out of hand up here, we can't get away from the dam things. Everywhere we go we see their tracks I mean everywhere.. I hope your friend gets something out of this awful situation!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: Be careful when U go to the UP.

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 12:25 pm
by Swampman
Now that they are delisted, I believe they don't compensate for lost hounds anymore.
I hope that I am wrong, but thought that was in effect when they are a protected piece of sh, I mean species.


Re: Be careful when U go to the UP.

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 7:58 pm
by Tsa la gi
Talked to Jim Campbell a little while ago. What a loss. Sorry Jim.

Re: Be careful when U go to the UP.

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 9:00 pm
by scott calkins
had same thing happen yrs back in newberry . went back to area 2 days later put out a tape looped with recording of our hounds running sat 1 hundred yards down wind in ten min the wolves were there. got a good view through my bushnell optics. wanted to pull the trigger but not worth the trouble you get in to. but darn wont ever slow down if one crosses the rd in front of me. the locals in the up dont wont them there either . worthless animals serve no purpose or dont make the state any money. :bash:

Re: Be careful when U go to the UP.

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 9:41 pm
by Craig
Why are there wolves being stocked intentionally?

Re: Be careful when U go to the UP.

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 11:11 pm
by packmaster
who knows with michigan`s dnr. :roll:

Re: Be careful when U go to the UP.

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 7:25 am
by T LEE
Craig wrote:Why are there wolves being stocked intentionally?
I can't imagine it is to control the Deer population. We have been going up for over 10 years and the Deer population is much heavier in North Carolina.

We see Wolves each year but have not had any problems.

Re: Be careful when U go to the UP.

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 7:57 am
by SMITTY1233
Imagine running a tree dog that locks onto a tree.... Its like a dinner bell..... Our last trip to the U.P. hare hutning two years ago we started cutting tracks in area's we had hunted for a few years without ever seeing one. Made us a little nervous to say the least. I thought now you can shoot them if they are doing damage to your animals or livestock. Maybe I'm wrong about that??

Re: Be careful when U go to the UP.

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 8:19 am
by T LEE
It's bad to lose a dog to a Wolf. Here are a few things that have worked for us over the years.

1). Make Noise!!! , our group makes more noise than a chinese new year parade. :lol:

Most of the Wolves we see are crossing logging roads and high tailing it out when they see and hear trucks coming in.

2). We run large numbers of dogs. We keep 8 to 12 dogs down at a time.

3). We shoot alot......and miss alot.

4)). Never , Never, Never leave a dog out after dark. One of the locals told me if the Wolves didn't get them ....the coyotes will.

We try to have our dogs out of the woods an hour before dark.
Compaired to the thousands of times dogs are ran in the U.P .......Wolf attacks are fairly rare.

Re: Be careful when U go to the UP.

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 10:44 am
by sgc
They're bad all over up there. Even the bird dog guys now are trying to keep their dogs in close. Bells don't work and the barking on track just brings wolves in. My buddy up there lost his last 2 beagles to wolves and then just quit beagling. I'm out of beagling now and just bird hunt with a close hunting flushing dog. Even so, I've been advised to stay out of certain areas. One area I was specifically told to stay away from was a big disappointment because I had targeted it for woodcock hunting. Somone had lost a bear hound there.

Re: Be careful when U go to the UP.

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 11:18 am
by reddog1
I just got off the phone with Jim, This is a terrible terrible loss. He told me he was running in the Rexton area wich is north of Epoufette and west of Trout Lake. He also told me that the Woman he talked to from the DNR was obviously a Wolf lover and she told him that there was no compensation for loosing dogs to Wolves.

Sorry for your loss Jim


Re: Be careful when U go to the UP.

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 11:40 am
by 19rabbit52
When I get to thinking about the wolves I feel like my head is going to explode. Wolf reintroduction is a 100% tree hugger agenda. They figure wolves belong there and hunters and their dogs don't. They figure if the wolves eat everything hunting will come to an end. Also our DNR has been taken over by people who could care less about hunters. Humphries hasn't done anything for hunters. She wants hiking trails, bike trails, and places for bird watchers. What I'm getting at is if we don't get people in Lansing with a different mind set(pro hunting), things like woves and coyotes are going to get worse. Last note, my little sister lives on the Garden Penn. She said a pack of wolves moved in last summer and really tore the dairy farms(cattle) up.

Re: Be careful when U go to the UP.

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 2:18 pm
by pineridgebeagles
Lethal Control Regulations:
The Michigan Legislature passed two laws in 2008 to allow livestock or dog owners, or their designated agents, to remove, capture, or, if deemed necessary, use lethal means to destroy a wolf that is "in the act of preying upon" (attempting to kill or injure) the owner's livestock or dog(s). These state laws went into effect upon federal delisting on Friday, Jan. 27, 2012.

This was taken from the DNR website,sorry about your loss,I hunt in the same area and see tracks. Al