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Do you worm yourself?

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 7:20 pm
by Alabama John
We read so much about how to worm our animals and keep them free of parasites, I never think to ask if you worm yourself and your family?

I grew up being wormed twice a year by drinking a natural concoction that worked but tasted awful. Gave one store bought that wasn't so hard to drink to out boys as well.

It sure makes a difference in how you'll feel. 80-85% of humans are wormy and have parasites I read.

If interested, read about Humans eating Diatomaceous Earth (DE) "Food Grade Flour". Its milled by many companies.

I think you'll find it interesting and many folks that raise and keep various fowl and animals use it on themselves.

NO, I do not sell it or am in anyway associated with any company involved with it except I buy it just like anyone else.

Just simply bringing up a subject no one talks about on a Beagle site!

Re: Do you worm yourself?

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 7:29 pm
by Ky. Hunter
Alabama John since you mentioned it, when we were small my mother treated us children for worms from time to time. I remember once when I was very young my stomach was hurting real bad and my mother said I had worms and she rubbed some I believe germtrol or turpintime around my navel and believe it or not I passed some worms.

Re: Do you worm yourself?

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 7:32 pm
by hookset
Diatomateous Earth is dangerous to ingest. It has been promoted as an all-natural poison-free wormer. I bought some to try it because it was supposed to get rid of fleas, ticks, worms, etc., but after researching it, I talked to my vet. It's basically fossilized shells that are ground up. It's like eating ground glass. It is supposed to work by "scratching" the worms and causing them to dehydrate. I don't think there's much in the way of scientific backup to the claims that it worms anything or kills ticks, just a theory. The vet said that if ingested into the lungs, it could cause a lot of damage. It may be great, just what I was told a few years back. I've got 10 pounds of it I'll give away for free.

Re: Do you worm yourself?

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 8:37 pm
by Alabama John
Hook set,

I just brought to the front what a lot of folks are using. There are many home remedies, some good and some not so good that I know of. and probably many more being used I do not know of.

It is best to find something easy to take as holding a persons head back, mouth open, forcing a pill down each other is hard to do no matter how much you rub each others throat until its swallowed. LOL

My main point was not what is good or bad but why don't we humans worm ourselves with something?

We animal lovers want to take care of our sheep, hogs, chickens, dogs, cats, emus, goats, etc. We worm them all. And by the way, we clean up their pens, shovel their poop, walk and track, handle and pet their infested whatever, and still worm them, some every month as they PASS worms and parasites to one another.

Why do we not consider they pass them on to us too?

If you are worming yourself with something, tell us what it is and how often.

Re: Do you worm yourself?

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 8:56 pm
by ackermanich
Budweiser :D

Re: Do you worm yourself?

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 9:11 pm
by hookset
I probably need a worming, my belly is kinda swollen up like a wormy pup.

Re: Do you worm yourself?

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 9:35 pm
seems i remeber my mom worming me as a kid lol... sounds crazy now but ,, then again as you pointed out ,, that maybe something to look into ..ala john can youn pm me what you use ,, heck i may try it lol..
i did accidently stick myself with a needle once that had ivomec in it lol i didnt get but a tad in me .. maybe i dont have heart worms because of it lol

Re: Do you worm yourself?

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 10:04 pm
by warddog
I'm pretty sure I ain't wormy as I'm to fat to be! :lol:

Re: Do you worm yourself?

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 10:46 pm
by Alabama John

We use the DE milled by Perma-Guard that is the number one food grade flour approved by the FDA.

To eat the crystallized DE will kill you and is for commercial use only just as HOOKSET said.

This flour is in many things we already eat like cake mixes to keep them from caking up and Bisquick for the same reason. Toothpaste, etc. Just not enough to rid you of worms, parasites and many toxic chemicals like aluminum.

It is mainly Silica so google Silica and see it is the number two item needed for life right behind oxygen.

You will feel better.

All I'm saying is we spend pages after pages discussing how to worm our dogs and surely we are more important than them so why no discussion about how we should worm and rid ourselves of parasites and also those in our children?

In other countries this is used regularly.

So far, no one else has seriously told us what they are using. Doctors say 80-85 percent of us are wormy.
Think about it! Why wouldn't we be?!

Re: Do you worm yourself?

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 6:47 am
by thornie
Did a search, so if you are a lady you might not want to look at this. Look at the slide show. ... -parasites

Re: Do you worm yourself?

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 9:00 am
by Mo. Beagler 5000
I honestly thought about drinking some pyrantel since it has the human adult dosage on the bottle lol...

Also Ivermectin is used on people too but the dosage has to be spot on and you need lots of fluids with it but it may be worth it. I had some stomache issues a while back and I think they checked me for parasites honestly and I was clean.

Re: Do you worm yourself?

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 11:07 am
copenhagen for me.... daily

Re: Do you worm yourself?

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 12:22 pm
by mdbeagler
As far as being wormy I think it depends on your habits, and diet etc...
Being careful of what and how you eat things, no walking barefoot outside.
I always wash my hands after handling any animal wild or domestic. I don't
allow my dogs to lick me anywhere near my face, good way of ingesting
parasites or their eggs.
Of course any one could become infected under the right circumstances, but
the chances can be greatly reduced by taking certain precautions.

Re: Do you worm yourself?

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 3:04 pm
by warddog
Being careful of what you eat puts you at the risk of the big corporate food producers. Don't for one minute think that they put your health above their profits! Also don't be fooled by the sticker on the packages that state " U.S. inspected and Passed" or "FDA Inspected"! There's alot more than parasites to worry about in our food products. This is why you hear the old saying of "cook the sh*t out of it". :nod:

Re: Do you worm yourself?

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 6:30 pm
by likeemfast
dont remember what it was titled, but ya ever see the video with a can of coke and a pork roast, that will make ya think