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more time or cull

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 12:33 pm
by gun runner
I have a young male that is doing good site chase in the briars head down with 2 other dogs but when i took him out sat with a big pack he was scared to death he would not leave my side and wanted to get in my jacket does not make sence.I even shoot over him when he was with my other 2 dogs and he was fine.Does he need more time or cull because i do most of my hunting with my buddys and we all have dogs on average there is 6 to 8 dogs all the time.He is a year old but did not get alot of traing had him snece thanksgiving and he is do pretty good.

Re: more time or cull

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 1:01 pm
by Bunnyblaster
Based on his lack of exposure to the other dogs I would say give him more time. I would just continue to take him and others on here have tried holding the dog on a leash or keeping him in the box until the pack is hot and heavy on a track. Basically wait until he can't stand it any longer and then cut him loose to see if he'll jump in with them. And if you didn't, but I'm guessing you did, take a familiar dog along with him too because that should help. Also, maybe start adding a dog or 2 at a time as opposed to dropping him with a group of may make him feel more comfortable if you work your way up to it. But being the first time I wouldn't get too worried about it just yet.

Re: more time or cull

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 1:12 pm
by Ky. Hunter
I had a female that was 4--5 years old and would never pack up with a large pack or a strange pack of dogs unless she heard a certain dog of mine in there running and giving plenty of mouth. I kept running her with different dogs and she never did get much better at it till the day she died. But I would give the dog more time if I was you.

Re: more time or cull

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 2:19 pm
by gun runner
Thats what i want to do but sometimes i get in a hurry,i want that great pack and want it now and then step back and see i have great dogs the young male just need moor time. I got high hopes for that male he has it all looks blood line and loud mouth.Maybe i expect to much to soon.Iam going to keep him away from the big pack until he get moore running time in and like one guy said keep adding one dog a every couple weeks untill i get that magic number and if he does not get there it is time to cull.

Re: more time or cull

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 2:41 pm
by duckbuster38401
All dogs are different and you have to handle them different. I have had dogs like that in the past. I would send them to a friends and kennel them with different dogs for a week or so, just to give them the opportunity to be around different dogs. Especially a dog I have raised from a pup that has never been around other dogs. Then again some dogs just cannot handle the pressure of a large pack and never get over it. Him being that young I would just keep running him with a small pack and add a different dog here and there and build up to a large pack. If he is what your looking for in a dog he will be worth the extra work.

Re: more time or cull

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 3:33 pm
more ttime just a pup

Re: more time or cull

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 3:46 pm
by gun runner
duckbuster38401 wrote:All dogs are different and you have to handle them different. I have had dogs like that in the past. I would send them to a friends and kennel them with different dogs for a week or so, just to give them the opportunity to be around different dogs. Especially a dog I have raised from a pup that has never been around other dogs. Then again some dogs just cannot handle the pressure of a large pack and never get over it. Him being that young I would just keep running him with a small pack and add a different dog here and there and build up to a large pack. If he is what your looking for in a dog he will be worth the extra work.

He is fine with his sister and daddy,but that is all he knows his hole life.He really never been around other dogs before so that makes alot of sences.I will let my buddys keep him for a week and then some then take him to another buddys.See what that can do for him let run with other dogs.

Re: more time or cull

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 4:29 pm
by duckbuster38401
I look at it like a shy kid, you expose em to more they tend to open up. I know some dogs are rabbit crazy and just don't care about anything but running rabbits. Some take a little more effort on our part, iv seen a lot of dogs that people just give up on or rush em and they can't take the pressure.

Re: more time or cull

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 4:53 pm
by bucks better beagles
Your options you gave were time or cull. It is already a year old so I would say, cull. There are lots of decent dogs out there why keep one that doesn't do what you like?

Re: more time or cull

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 5:01 pm
by lebro
get him started on a rabbit then cut another dog loose to join in with him.

Re: more time or cull

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 5:53 pm
I wouldn't waste food on him! I'd drop him off down Olivet road. lol

That pack of dogs your trying to run him with are strictly business.( especially REDS) Hell they scare me half the time. That pack sounds Like a freight train coming through the woods!!

Re: more time or cull

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 6:24 pm
by Bunnyblaster
Buck, I agree and disagree. If he was like a lot of guys and had more time on this dog at the age of 1 then I would say cull. But if the dog is just basically started, which is what it sounds like, then I would treat it like a 6-7 month old and give it time as long as it continues to improve. Age is a good indication of where it should be but only if the "normal" timeline has been followed and in this case it doesn't sound like it has. I have a pup now that I waited until she was almost 1 to start and she is where I would expect her to be given when I started her and the amount of time she's had on the ground. I can't say for sure if he's in the exact same boat but it seems unfair to expect a 1 year old with 2 months of whatever amount of running time to be as far along as a 1 year old with 6 months of running time under it's belt. I am looking at the dog like some of the younger ones I've had in the past that it took a time or 2 with multiple dogs before they'd feel comfortable and get in there. Now if you asked me which I'd rather have?? The one that gets right in there. But if he's got the time then I say why not???

Re: more time or cull

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 7:22 pm
by gun runner
The young dog only has 2 months of training and really it is only one day a week because of work and family.And for that one guy he said to drop off on olviet rd he knowes what else i have in the box the other 2 dogs are part of the freight train and mostly in the front and that goes out to toby and he is right about that pack of dog they are called LYNCH MOB kennles LOL.But back to the pup he really hasn't had a fair chance yet.thanks to all you guys

Re: more time or cull

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 8:06 pm
by dog
more time , still a puppy , that being said , i just got rid of my best running dog because he wouldnt run in a big pack , give him until he was 3 , he would run with 2 or 3 dogs at the most , any more then that and he would just go find his own rabbit , funny thing was he would run until the first check and that was it , he worked a check really tight and i think he just didnt like all the bumping and crowding in the check , hated to see him go , i loved that dog

Re: more time or cull

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 8:11 pm
by RunninHard
I say give him time