The Old Shirt Trick Really Works

A general forum for the discussion of hunting with beagles, guns, clothing and other equipment and just talking dawgs! (Tall tales on hunting allowed, but remember, first liar doesn't stand a chance)

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The Old Shirt Trick Really Works

Post by hawkeyee »

Yesterday Spado & I took a six pack of beagles out hunting & we had a great time the dogs ran 6 or 7 rabbits & we shot 3 we started our hunt at about 1:30 pm & ran till about 4:30 or 5:00 pm all the dogs where doing what they have been bred to do ( run Rabbits) I have two 1year olds Rocky & Ruby They are a Tank/Branko cross Rocky is really comming along very well jumps & can circle his own rabbit Ruby is on the clock if you know what I mean. Anyway Ruby opens up on a track & my other two take off with her my older dog comes back after 5 mins or so but the two pups are GONE nowhere to be seen or heard I page them with the ecollars give them a bump still no reply now it s is dark & I am getting worried so I drive around in the truck praying & watching I start using the ecollar to get one of them to yelp finally after an hour or more I hear Ruby I get her back but no Rocky it is dark now so all I can do is say another prayer & leave a SHIRT behind for Rocky & come back in the morning. Today I went back & who was laying on my shirt I left 15 hours earlyer Rocky he was right where he should be waiting for me. Some folks might say it was the shirt that help me get Rocky back I say without the PRAYER the shirt is usless. I am writing this with no shame at all & I will end this by saying Thank You Jesus !!!

PS: I know this is not a religious or spiritual board but I am a spiritual man & I wanted to publicly thank the Lord because it is by his will I have Rocky back home.


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Post by Moore Beagles »

Hawkeye, Thats great! I would have lost many dogs if it were not for prayer,and some good honest people, that don't mind reading a name plate, and picking up the phone. My Dad and brother's always used that trick, but My dogs are brats, they are convinced that I know where ever they end up I'll come get them.
What a good way to start off the year. Praise GOD
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Post by S.R.Patch »

I also believe we are lead by an "unseen hand".

Your hound is lead by instinct and the nature within it.
You have a hound with good instinct and brains... ;)

Hounds that won't seek out their master and track themselves back out are lacking something we all want and need in our hounds...Glad you gotum back... ;)

mo. beagler
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Post by mo. beagler »

It is funny you mentioned that. Last weekend my son and I came on a pup laying under a shirt. It was in a tree. I called the number on the tag. The owner was down in the holler. It was a pup that wouldent run or come to him. I dont know if he still feeds him or not??? He just took the shirt off because he was hot. not to get the dog back.

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Post by mc2you »

I used to sit on a carpet square (remnant) in my pick-up truck and put it out where I had dumped out the hounds--saved wear and tear on my favorite huntin coat! and works the same

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Post by S.R.Patch »

lol... My wife gets on me all the time too for leavin my shirts hangin out in the trees.
This past Dec heat was a killer... :lol:
Nothin more embarrassing than having a stranger pick up your hound that you can't

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Post by spado »

I'd say that pup is worth keeping around for awhile. I really appreciate your boldness and your witness of what our Lord can, and WILL do for us. The scriptures say He is the rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.

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Post by Mclurkn3 »

Glad you got him back. It's been nice to talk to you. Keep in touch.


Chaffin Crank
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Post by Chaffin Crank »

Glad you got your dogs back....There have been times when I have had to kneal down beside a tree and ask the Lord for help. I have got them back everytime I did....I told my wife that Jesus was a rabbit hunter. She said how do you know. I said well have you noticed that all my good dogs die and we can't give away the bad ones...LOL

Chaffin Crank
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danny vansickle
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Post by danny vansickle »

we did that once lost a dog came back the next morning and he was curled up in the shirt.
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Post by snowshoehareguide »

used to leave shirt out for a lost dog and works great most the time- now days i use tracking collars and make every effort to get em --
worried about coyotes - i use a shock collar to call them off a rabbit if i have to -- ive never lost one to a coyote but some have and all i know of were dogs left out overnite

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Post by jlboomer »

a simular thing happend to me saturdy while hunting alone in a new place to of my dogs took off half way through the hunt ive had these dogs for years and they never done that i didn't have e collars or anything on them that day. i called them for 2 hours no luck but i had to go i prayed layed a shirt down where i turned them loose and went to take care of some business cam back 4 hours latter and there they where on the shirt. ive lost dogs sevral times and the shirt and prayer have yet to let me down more prayer than anything. i love my dogs and can't stand the thought of losing them or someone picking them up to many dishonist people around here a name plate don't mean squat they see a beagle and thats a quick $50 to most folks. Its a sad time we live in i can't stand the thought of that if i see a hound while im out no matter where im at i stop and if it got a collar on it i take it with me and call the people. if no collar i take it to the pound to keep it from getting run over or shot.

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Post by JUDE »

Cast all your cares upon HIM .

Jude's Beagles

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