Barking problem

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Barking problem

Post by BAYOU »

I have 3 dogs, pups I should say but one will never shut up. I could spray him with the hose 10 times in row and soon as get to the house he starts again. The other 2 are no angels but it is primarily one of them. I know a bark collar will help but do i have to buy 3 bark collars or what. That would be expensive, any suggestions
Last edited by BAYOU on Sun Aug 21, 2005 8:16 am, edited 1 time in total.

bunnie harvester
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Post by bunnie harvester »

You got the right Idea,,,,, so is tickets from the cops expensive, not to included your loss of sleep or the familys and ""THE PURE AGGRAVATION"" of hearing dogs BARK,, I use collers every day, bought the 6 dog unit and its quiet around here and I don`t carry leads in the field either............... ;)

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Post by BAYOU »

bunnie harvester, do you use just the shock collars or shock collars plus bark collars. Which brands

bunnie harvester
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Post by bunnie harvester »

I just use the Tri-tronics collars, no bark collors, they just sit in the box, till needed

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Post by mn_beagleboy »

All you need is one dog bark collar. You just have to rotate it around each dog until all of them know that you want them to be quiet around the kennel.


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Post by S.R.Patch »

As with children, you must be clear and persistent with your instruction and discipline. It sometimes becomes a battle of will, but you must hold to it...
Some of this is kennel bordom, if puppies are allowed to play it out during the day, they usually rest better in kennels... ;)

Honey Pot Hounds
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Post by Honey Pot Hounds »

I am very interested in the 6 dog unit. Can you please post some info and a link to one on here?

P.S. Puppies sure do play loud don't they? They sound like a flock of wet angry geese to me ;)

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Post by jkidd5 »

My dogs been a little restless the last few days... They started Sun. night barking and woke me up around 2:00 so I went out and sprayed em and they was quiet rest of night. Mon. night same thing just at 3:30.. Last night it was 1:00 and as always when I went out they hit the dog house... well that didn't stop me. I went in the kennel with the hose and stuck it in there house and SOAKED EM ALL good. Went in to all 3 diff runs and gave em all a wet bath. Needless to say I havn't heard em bark once today... not even when I got home where they usually give me a few barks hello...


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Post by Honey Pot Hounds »

Aren't you worried about chilling any of them?
Did you read in American Beagler about the fellow who rigged up a sprinkler system in his kennel wired to a remote he kept in his house for his convenient usage? I loved that idea. LMAO! It would be too unhealthy to do to my Beagles here in wintery NH though.

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Post by BIG AL »

I used to go out and give my barking dogs a switching and they learned to be quiet. Once in a while the dogs will start carrying on but now I only have to give one a lick or two and make a big comotion out of it and I can hear the rest of them diving in the dog houses and get quiet. You don't have to really hit them hard, just give the idea that you are not happy. I have even thought of getting a stuffed toy dog and a dog house and keep it close to the porch and when the real dogs start barking just go out and give the stuffed toy a real beating. I bet it would work.

Honey Pot Hounds
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Post by Honey Pot Hounds »

Oh my Gawd Big Al :shock:
I hope non of the AR whackos know where you live....I also hope none of your good buddies happen to pop over when you are outside in your pajama's switching your teddy bear :lol:

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Post by jkidd5 »

Nahh not worried about chilling them as it was in the 70's here last night. I usually don't have to spray them just pick the hose up off the kennel and they know whats about to happen but after 3 night in a row I'd had enuff and was gonna let them know I wasn't happy with them. My kennel is only about 20 ft from my back door and probably only 75ft from my bedroom window so I can hear them barking pretty easlily.... Usually only have to remind them about barking every few months. I don't mind them barking when something is in the yard or they see someone but I can't stand barking at the moon or what ever just to be barking as they have been the last 3 nights.....


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Post by AlabamaSwamper »

I have a very good up and coming female that almost and let me make this clear, I ALMOST shot her butt last fall! She wouldn't shut up no matter what I did. I ain't kiddin either, I was O so close to shooting that dog a couple of nights. She actually owes her life to my girlfriend who stopped me one night.

Well, she is quiet now for the most part but I had to get extreme with her a time or two.
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Post by AlabamaSwamper »

jkidd5 wrote: I can't stand barking at the moon or what ever just to be barking as they have been the last 3 nights.....

Maybe it's the fear of Rowdy that has them barking. With the days getting shorter, they know the time is coming when Rowdy makes another trip to GA. lol
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Post by sgc »

My dogs rarely bark in the kennel anymore; but my one male whines real loud now when he sees me or at feeding time. It has gotten real annoying. I have tried everything from disciplining to not feeding when he's done it. Does the bark collar work for whining or just a loud all out bark?

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