Garmin TT 15 mini collar dead?

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Garmin TT 15 mini collar dead?

Post by GCbeagler »

I'm having issues with a new TT15 mini collar when I turned it on this morning the light came on and after a few seconds started flashing green as satellite signal acquired and showed being active on handheld, but when I started to place on dog noticed the light was no longer flashing and handheld had lost signal. Since then I have tried turning it on multiple times and tried to charge but it appears to be dead. Has anyone else experienced this issue and if so was there a way to correct without sending off for repair/replacement.

D. Young

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Re: Garmin TT 15 mini collar dead?

Post by DIXIEDOG »

Did you try hooking it up to a different charger? I had a similar issue with one of my TT10's....turned out that one of the connectors on my "Y" adapter cable was would make connection when I plugged it in but it wasn't getting a good connection so it wasn't actually charging my collar up....the lights looked like it was but it wasn't. I used a different charger and it worked great, replaced that Y adapter and haven't had an issue since.

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Re: Garmin TT 15 mini collar dead?

Post by Budd »

I've had Garmin for a LONG time and have never had that issue. Try like DIXIEDOG said and if still nothing take the battery out for a few minutes and replace. Other then that I would return to my dealer and hope that they would replace it so you don't have to go through Garmin, any reputable dealer should.

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