Great Prices on Dog Food

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Re: Great Prices on Dog Food

Post by warddog »

BB, I'm glad that you are actually looking this over and putting a pencil to it but you have to compare apples to apples. I feed my 5 beagles the same amount each and every day by a line I have on a plastic container and that is approximately 1 3/4 cups which weighs out to 6 ounces. I have no idea of what my cousin feeds his dogs as he merely fills up the feeders and they free feed. I'm sure the Great Pyrenese which is a 140 pound male and the white/mountain Shepard cross that is about 75 pounds right now eat much, much more than that at a sitting and last year my cousin had three more beagles part of the year. So, this is not a true comparison as there are actually more dogs being fed from the last ton I bought and we used, only 5 of them being rationed to 6 ounces per day, 5 free feeding and a variation in size as well as dogs consuming on my cousin's side. I'm glad you like what you feed as do a lot of others that feed it so I suspect it to be good for you folks BUT in no way, shape or form can I justify the price difference of $14.50 per 50 pounds between our feeds. Yours at .73 per 50 or $36.50 or mine at .44 or $22.00. Even with the lower cost that Casey stated he buys a 40 pound bag for in our area of $28.16 which would equate to .704 per pound or $35.20 for the equivalent 50 pound bags that the brand I feed comes in, I can not justify the extra $13.20 per 50 pounds. regardless of how many dogs are feed and the length of time it takes to them the bottom line is that we both feed between 6 to 8 ounces per day per dog on average. That said 50 pounds or 800 ounces would last us both about 133 days when fed the approx. 6 ounce ration. This now boils down to the cost per 50 pounds and that brings us right back full circle to the difference between the cost of 50 pounds of feed. Your preferred brand at $36.50 and the one I feed for $22.00. Notice I didn't say my preferred brand as I will switch as I have several times if I find one that will keep my dogs nutritionally in good flesh and I get a better bang for my buck. We still are looking at $14.50 difference per 50 pounds whether you or I feed 1 or 100 dogs of various size breeds etc. I will also mention that my 5 dogs each react differently to the same amount of 1 3/4 cups of feed daily. One hyper female is thin, one older female is a little too fat, two females are just right and a male maybe a tad heavy.

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