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Re: Has the peak interest in beagling passed

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 5:30 pm
by bucks better beagles
Picky, picky HD: My post may have been worded badly. I intended to say myself and "maybe" one other would be considered a rabbit hunter the way they were considered in my day. By that, I would say a person who has no other interest. Lives to run beagles and rabbits. Who has few friends outside the dog world. Who can talk about dogs all day long but gets bored real fast when another subject is brought up. Who likes to run with anybody and everybody that will take the time to drive over. Who will cull a dog in a heart beat for not meeting expectations. Whose expectations are real high. So you make the call, who else would you consider to meet these criteria in our area?

Hope this helps clear up what was said HD Ultra.

Re: Has the peak interest in beagling passed

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 6:59 pm
by John Taylor
Unfortunately I have to think Beagling has peaked in recent years. I have owned Beagles of my own since I was 10 years. A pair of males given to me by my grandfather. My mother passed away within weeks of my birth and my Grandparents raised me. My Dad lived across the country road from my grandparents until I was 10 years old. He and my Stepmother moved with my Half Brother at the time to follow my Dad's new job. My Grandfather had Beagles for as long as I can remember. He was a farmer and he always had at least one or two running all the time. The most he kept at a time was 7 or 8 but rarely ran more then 3 at a time even when hunting. He mostly bred his own stuff but a truck driver hunting friend of his picked up a registered pup in one of the states he traveled and another registered male that was mostly white in color with tan head and ears. I was to young to see the male run but Pop hunted him a lot but said he wasn't of the caliber of dog as some of his other purebred beagles, some unpapered since there weren't any trial in our area that interested him and putting meat on the table was more important to him. The registered female pup caught the eye of our local Doctor when he made a house call and the Doctor had a registered male that he claimed to be a superior running dog. Since Pop had no intentions on breeding to his other male they worked up a deal to mate the female when she was old enough and after she was started to see if she was worthy of breeding. The mating was finally made and Pop kept the males and the Doctor kept the females. There were 4 males. He gave me 2, although I was only 10 there were to be cared by me. I'm sure he looked them over daily to make sure I did my job. When they were barely big enough to run around I was taking them out for walks in the Fields everytime I could. I can't remember how old they were when they started but looks like they were a natural and I thought they were the best Beagles around. Still think that. I was just a kid and hunted either just myself on the farm property or with my Grandfather. By the time I was 13 or 14 I was getting calls from people wanting to go on hunts with my dogs. From then on I was busy hunting every weekend during rabbit hunting season and most afternoons after school when I could get away from the farm work. I was hooked and bad. When I was a teen ager and other boys my age were chasing girls I was running Beagles. Heck I was in my early 20's before I became interested in girls. I was working at a local Grocery Chain Store as Product Manager. I kept seeing the most beautiful girl come in shopping with her mother once, sometimes twice a week. Well I had to meet her and soon I was hooked on girls. Within two years I married her. I still owned Beagles and hunted some but nowhere like I did before. My dogs got old on me and soon lost my old line of dogs. Around 1977 I was on the hunt for the start in beagling again. I soon found a weircreek bred male that caught my interest and bought him. He wasn't exactly what I wanted but I could go out and kill rabbits with him, although he was a hand to handle. He just didn't want to hunt with me but did whatever he wanted and basically did the same with a pack. So the hunt was on for something else. Then an employee of mine, Jody Leger, I was now Comanager of the store, had a female Beagle that he bragged on so I made arrangements to go watch her run. I liked her ability and he liked how my male could solo one. He wouldn't let his female go but we decided to mate them when she came in. Out of that litter I had a female of good quality that I saw right when she started had what I thought was trial worthy. I had joined Acadiana Beagle Club in late 1978 and was ready to get back in beagling. I was never hooked as I was in my youger years but til today still love it. I was never a big trialer, was thrilled to make second or third series and if I made winners pack and placed it was a bonus. Just another way to enjoy my hounds with the areas to run shrinking everyday. Yes I do thing that there is growing lost of interest in Beagling from loosing running grounds to the big game hunters and yes the electronic technoligy taking over. My sons never liked hunting either. I took the older son along with me but he had no interest. The younger son the same. My daughter was the outdoor person as a kid but the teenage years changed that also.
I admire going to a Field Trial and seeing a Father, Mother and their children there. Wish I could of had that thrill.


Re: Has the peak interest in beagling passed

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 7:09 pm
by B. Diddy
I agree that rabbit hunting and small game hunting in general has and is continuing to decline. I myself will do everything I can to keep it alive. I'm 46 years old and have been hunting for about 40 of those years. But I have yet to kill a deer and can count on 2 hands the number of times I've specifically gone deer hunting. My 6 year old son is wild about the idea of deer hunting and I know it's mostly because of what's on TV, but I can guarantee he will first have to cut his teeth on squirrels, doves, and rabbits...just like I did.

That being said, I don't think the activity on this board or any other can be a true measure of the decline in beagling. I'm wondering if message boards as a whole were somewhat of a fad. Anyone with a computer and a little time could "meet" others with the same interests. Now for many that interest has faded, not in beagling, but for the message boards. I've never been a big user because I would much rather spend my time doing other things than staring a computer screen. Then again, I do that at my job so my off time I don't want to be anywhere near a computer. Also, I know there's got to be a huge population of beaglers/rabbit hunters that don't even know these forums exist. I talked to a guy a couple of weeks ago and asked him if he ever been on TAB or RHO and he confessed he didn't even own a computer. So as far as message traffic, maybe these are some reasons.

Anyway, I've never posted that much, but this was an interesting topic. Thanks for hearing my thoughts.

Re: Has the peak interest in beagling passed

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 12:31 am
by jim matuszewski
I don't think you can judge the real beagling interest to internet beagling interest i know enough hounds men that don't even know how to turn a computer on,and are very interested.I think these boards are loosing steam because there is no real substance to most of the posts being made.some posts on here are really kind of funny joeyman had a 5 page post on how his muck boots were holding up ,again no real substance

Re: Has the peak interest in beagling passed

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 1:17 am
by NorWester1
Ain't that the truth ;)

Re: Has the peak interest in beagling passed

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 1:27 am
by mybeagles
Kids go straight from learning how to shoot to trying to be the next Michael Waddell. Kid's simply don't hunt rabbits and squirrels like they used to...they go straight to deer and turkeys. I would argue that the reason for this is the over commercialization. Just take a couple of hours and watch one of these about makes me sick, and I'm only 30 years old! This is simply my opinion but one I feel pretty strongly about.
Who do you think is to blame for commercialization, internet, video games, etc................? Its the PARENTS!

I have four children and we dont have a television for free viewing, they dont have me a fudddy, but guess what my kids do after they get their school work and chores done?..........they take the BB gun out back and try to shoot birds, they take the hound out and try to tree a squirrel, coon etc.....they take the beagles and chase rabbits around the sink holes. They build "forts" in the woods.....They are as excited about it as I was when I was a kid.

If you send your kids to our broken education system (called schools), let them come home and fill up on TV, internet, video games dont expect them to want to be outdoorsmen and hunters. Expect them to be overweight, lazy couch potatoes, and consider yourself lucky if they take an interest to the outdoors.


Re: Has the peak interest in beagling passed

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 1:28 am
by mybeagles
Im sorry, did I say all that out loud.................. :oops: :oops: :oops:


Re: Has the peak interest in beagling passed

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 7:47 am
by HD Ultra
Just messin' with ya Bucky, when I see that little red truck pass by my house 7 nights a week, we in this area all know who the "Godfather of Beagling" is. Besides, look at the post on here, from Georgia to corners unknown, you can always find a mention of Buck Allen, worldwide baby, worldwide.....

Re: Has the peak interest in beagling passed

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 8:37 am
by cojax
i think the economy has a lot to do with what we are noticing. people have bigger concerns right now and no extra money because they dont know whats going to happen tomorrow. The die hards are still here and always will be but new folks and folks that like it but have bigger issues going on (jobs, money, inflation) they have taken a back seat compared to 2-3 years ago when people had some extra cash to spend. Look at all the dogs for sale when people are worried about feeding themselves they arent going to keep to many hounds and there are a lot of good dogs for sale. thanks cojax

Re: Has the peak interest in beagling passed

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 8:52 am
by TC
jim matuszewski wrote:I don't think you can judge the real beagling interest to internet beagling interest i know enough hounds men that don't even know how to turn a computer on,and are very interested.I think these boards are loosing steam because there is no real substance to most of the posts being made.some posts on here are really kind of funny joeyman had a 5 page post on how his muck boots were holding up ,again no real substance
I have to Agree here also.....
HD Yall aint Talkin about ME are ya????
My Interest in beagles is as Strong as it Ever Was it aint gonna Die any time Soon Unless I do!!
I Sold everything in Oregon and moved to the HEART of beagling.
Been kinda Disappointed the last year or So but NEVER ENOUGH to GET OUT!!!
Got Plans to finish Fencing the farm just to be able to run a few more a little more LOL.
I Am Guilty of One thing I have Not attended near as many trials in the last year and Wont be attending as much this year.
I have NEVER been nore tried to be politically Correct or fit in the click!!!
KC is graduating this year and Will be Going on to College that takes $$$
Vehicle repairs, Cost of Gas, entry Fees, vet bills, it all adds up...
We used to do either a trial or a Show about every weekend caint afford to now..
As far as the Interest Waning or going away To some extent I do think so.
Another thing is that no matter How Much you try and Help somebody there are those Experts Who will just Argue to argue on these boards.
and YES i am as guilty as the next of Stirring things up now and again..
Everybody has better hounds than the next guy But Some of us just Dont give a Rip
Mine aint no better than Anybody elses But I do What i do for the hounds not myself.
Jim Says there aint no Real Substance any more I have to Agree here What can be Said has been said.
I Dont kill 300 rabbits a year so therefore i aint a REAL RABBIT hunter therefore I aint got real Rabbit dogs!! Oh Well it Aint because I caint its because I Dont WANT TO!!!
I have NEVER refused to Run with Anybody! just aint as many asking any more or they want to Turn it into a Competition!!!
My Ego Dont need Stroked that bad
I Also have to Agree that it has Turned into a Rich mans Sport to Some extent the More Money you have the more you can travel, the more trials you Win! the better the hounds you have, the more your IN the Click!! BS there are probably better Dogs living in a few fellas back yards that may never get out of the county. Trialing has never been JUST about Winning to me if that was the case i would have left years ago. I used to go to meet others of the same interest seems like there just aint as many any more now its all about WINNING at ANY COST
I get My kicks by Teaching people all the great aspects of just How versatile these little hounds can be, from the Show ring to the true family member and companion. as well as being able to put meat on the table when the need arises
Folks losing interest?? MAYBE but never HERE.
I Will have beagles till the Day I die and Will let everybody know what I have learned and will continue to learn.
Sometimes it just Aint what they Wanna Hear..

Re: Has the peak interest in beagling passed

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 9:26 am
by chapkosbeagles
my beagles i think that you are right in one aspect. i think all kind should have a video game and be able to play it in moderation. as it is proven that it helps build hand eye cordination,and is great for your moterskills as well. when i say moderation. a parent should have a tv time/video game time ext.

as far as chores most kids dont even have them anymore. they tell their parents to do them therself. kid now days are more disrespectfull to there parents that it makes me sick. i have friends that yell are there parents. not cool .most kids now days are spoiled and dont have to work for anything. they make there parents feel like they owe it to them. :nod: i have seen this alot

now on the other hand why dont the young houndsman that do have good beagles not care to trial. there are a lot of younger guys that share the same passions as you older gentalmen.

how many of you guys who trial have tryed to set a younger houndsman up with a dog capable of placing or winning a trial. how many have taken a younger houndsman under there wing and tought them what it takes to win. THIS IS WHAT IT TAKES TO KEEP SPORTS ALIVE. DO YOU THINK ( MICHEAL JORDEN) BECAME THE BASKET BALL PLAYER HE WAS WITH NO COUCHING. I DONT THINK SO.

for getting me to attend my first trial
for taking me to my first trial and letting me barrow a book that was very educating on hounds
for teaching me where to find what i like in a beagle (speed /control)
for giving me a top breed hound that he could have easily sold for 600 dollars

really guys like these are what get the younger generation into the sport and will make it last a long time :nod: :nod:

Re: Has the peak interest in beagling passed

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 12:15 pm
by Bunnyblaster
Chappy, I do agree with you on having tv/video games in moderation as being a good thing. I also agree that most kids are not taught personal responsibility through things like chores or even just plain old discipline in general.

My question to you is do you really think winning a trial is the only way a kid will ever learn to love the dogs and our sport??? Or does it also apply to guys like myself and Mybealges? Guys that will go out of their way to take their own kids and even other people's kids just so they can at least be exposed to things like rabbit hunting because nowadays most are not?

I understand that maybe you were just using trialing and winning a trial as 1 example of how to peak a youngsters interest. But what's so bad about giving a kid a pup and having that be the starting point for them? Give them something and teach them to be personally responsible for know, that whole chore thing? By just giving them a world beater you've just cut out all of the responsibility and respect things you were just preaching about. You see to me giving a kid a sure thing and letting him go out to win some trials is really no different than the guys here in Michigan that take their kids out for the youth deer hunt to shoot a record book buck either still in or just out of velvet that has been patterned all summer long and then shot from a gun blind at the break of dawn a full week or 2 before bow season even opens up?!? What does that teach a kid? It will most definitely peak their interest but then where do they go from there? The problem is the ones that will take a kid out, help them site in their gun and then set them up for a "sure thing" scenario are generally the same guys that don't take the time to teach them about the simpler and IMO generally the more important aspects of the outdoor experience as a whole. I am betting that all that most of these kids learn is you gotta shoot a big buck, or win a trial to get the most out of it and that is the exact wrong direction we should be taking them. Those things should be a goal or an extension or just one small part of why we all do things like beagling in the first place. It should start out being about the dogs and then progress from there. Hence, give the kid a pup........teach him/her how to feed it, water it, and just care for the dog in general.............then let's get the pup started and teach them all of your knowledge along the way before you even get them to the final goal of winning a trial. Let's make them put a little effort into it instead of just handing them everything on a silver platter. It may just be a difference in how you and I perceive getting a youngster started but like I said before if they start out with a world beater and weren't taught how the dog got there in the first place then the only place to go is down and you've already gotten their hopes up and thinking that winning is the most important part...........and that's not their fault because their kids. The fault belongs with us for bringing them in that way.

Every kid is different and so is every situation so there is no cut and dry to it. But I think in general our kids would be better served if we taught them the work and responsibility part first so they learn to respect the sport as a whole.......not start right out of the gate just worshiping a trophy.

Maybe I put all of the emphasis on the "winning a trial" aspect of your post but that was the part you seemed to focus on. And in reality the most important part of your post to me was this:

for getting me to attend my first trial
for taking me to my first trial and letting me barrow a book that was very educating on hounds
for teaching me where to find what i like in a beagle (speed /control)
for giving me a top breed hound that he could have easily sold for 600 dollars

really guys like these are what get the younger generation into the sport and will make it last a long time
:nod: :nod:

Re: Has the peak interest in beagling passed

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 1:06 pm
by chapkosbeagles
welll said bunny blaster that is what i was trying to say and got off topic a little. hence i was saying to give them a young hound but maybe let them run a good one to see what they might have some day.

to get them into trialing let them run a dog that might be a finished product. so they get the winning feeling. this will get them hooked. as you said with each person being different.

i know all to well about giving a good one away to a kid that is not yet ready for the responsability :nod:

but well said thanks for the help

Re: Has the peak interest in beagling passed

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 1:26 pm
by 10ACbeagles
Not sure I would want my kid learning by taking dogs to field trials,I think theres more to get them hooked by taking them on a good rabbit hunt with a lot of friends.The average person doesnt usually leave a rabbit hunt cussin and mad like some at trials!I agree about getting them a young dog to take care of and get started.Its just not like it use to be anymore no matter what your talking about period.

Re: Has the peak interest in beagling passed

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 3:44 pm
by Mo. Beagler 5000
I know this is off topic but when people say "failed education" system it bothers the crap out of me as a teacher. I have a dual master's degree and I also coach several sports and sponser clubs from 7th through 12th grade and I happen to have the highest test scores in American Governement in the state of Missouri!!....

Don't blame me if your child gets to 10th grade and can't read or write.... thats on the parents. I do what I can with what shows up in my classroom... druggies, pregnant kids, kids who were molested/beaten as kids and deal with years of neglect....(and I have all three types in a school of less than 200) I do my best but what can we do, can't flunk em or "we will hurt self esteem" can't discipline them cause parents will sue, can't bench them cause thats not sportsmanlike... If you want better schools send us BETTER KIDS>...

sorry.... just kinda annoys me I dedicated years of my life to something and then get called a failure :nod: :nod:
