Anyone near Ironwood Michigan know.... (Dean Carli)

A general forum for the discussion of hunting with beagles, guns, clothing and other equipment and just talking dawgs! (Tall tales on hunting allowed, but remember, first liar doesn't stand a chance)

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Rabbit Huntin Fool
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Post by Rabbit Huntin Fool »

A buddy and I bought a dog from him along time ago.10 years or more ago.. We told him we wanted a 3 or 4 year old broke female etc....,, He said he had just what I had described... We got a 6 1/2 year old gyp that looked like she hadn't been run in 2 years... You all that say you don't know if he is crooked,, Well I delt with him and HE IS CROOKED!!!!!!My buddy and I made lemonade out of lemons, we ran that old gyp hard and she turned out to be a nice dog but not the dog we paid $500 for or what he said he was sending...We learned that day to look at anything else we bought but that man is WRONG for doing what he does anyway you look at it.......Don't patronize that man in any way,,,
Rabbit Huntin Fool

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well add another name to that list merle crain got me big one time and i will slaM his name any time i get the chance!no need to lie about a dog/.
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Post by JMurphy »

I think what most people are saying is that in some things their can be misunderstanding or differences of opinion in what a makes a good dog.In some cases some times just plain weird stuff can happen.I will give you a perfect example.I bought a dog from a beagler from Michigan that comes on this board occasionally.I knew the dogs bloodlines although I couldnt anyone that i knew that had seen that dog run i was able to find people we knew incommon.They all had good things to say about this fellow.The price was right and based on my respect for those peoples opinion I bought the dog.The guy didnt say she was a world beater just thought she was well started would run a rabbit and he felt like she had good potential.I picked her up at either the Little world or the World hunt.She was a beautiful hound and socialized easily with myself my family and the other hounds in our kennel.I waited a week to run her and then purposely ran her with dogs she was kenneled with.I took her to a place that at that time had a ton of rabbits.She would get out and hunt on her own but never ran a rabbiit on her own or packed to the other dogswhen they would run a rabbit.this went on for several different outings.I kept on with her because i liked her personality,her actions in the field,her conformation and the way she was bred.I could tell she had been taken out at least some because she knew what a lead was and got all excited when she saw a truck and a dogbox.At this point i didnt really feel like the guy had lied I just assumed he didnt know what he was talking about.By the way when I say she didnt run a rabbit I mean rabbits that Isaw her jump and put her on on them.I still liked the dog and made an appointment to put her in a running pen.that same weeek before putting her in a running we took her for her fifth trip out and she jumped a rabbit and ran that rabbit for a timed 40 minutes of running with almost no checks.There is absolutely no way that that was that dogs 1st rabbit I have seen several hundred pups and young dogs run their first rabbit and this dog had run rabbits before.After that first rabbit she ran she then packed in with the other dogs and often ran the front.I still went ahead and put her in the starting pen because I had booked with him and didnt want to back out.the starting pen owner told me that she ran with ever thing he put her with and and had from the first day.I ended up selling her back to the original owner only because she didnt give enough mouth to suit me although when she gave mouth she had a really huge mouth.I cant explain why she acted the way she did.We did everything by the book. She is one of those hounds that I regret selling.I am not saying this happens often and is the only case this extreme in 30 years of running dogs I have personally seen. I think it is incumbent on the buyer to do their homework and that the buyer bears part of the responsiblity in any transaction.In chris's case it seems he asked some very specific questions.assuming chris's story is accurate then the guy is a liar.I have heard stories about the referenced breeder before but I have never had any personal dealings with him nor has anyone very close to me so I dont have any opinion of him. I dont agree that Chris" had it coming" or deserved what he got, only that he took a chance and put himself out there.
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Post by bullboy »

it all comes down to morals and how you were raised the way i look at it is the big guy knows eveyrthing and someday you are going to have to face him i know the man being questioned and thats all i'll say

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Post by UPDan »

Well the certificate date clarifies the hold up on papers Also, 3 years to paper a dog that is suppose to be a good running dog? To me it sounds like the seller bought this dog as a pup or made a deal, lost interest in it right away and it sat in his yard for a couple years and never did anything with it. Hence the paper date of certificate being October 10, 2005. I may be off the path but considering this seller supposedly being "prominent" and in the business, wouldn't you think that a "good hound" would have been papered a lot sooner than that? I'm an old timer and I been in this sport up here for a very long time and have seen my share of trickery with the subject involved. Lesson: This guy WILL NOT sell a "good" young dog, I assure you!

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Post by KanesIrish »

I've learned in this game there are usually no good dogs for sale, as most houndsmen won't get rid of a good dog.

I've bought one dog...and she's a dud. I have a few in the kennel that were given to me with the FC prefix that I would never let go.

I've heard stories of Mr. Carli, I have never had anything done first hand, but like I said...I wouldn't buy a running dog in the first place.

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Post by UPDan »

Hey Chris, any new news on how your hound is running? Have you taken her out more? Any word from the seller? I just spoke to a fella who was about to go and buy a dog from Dean, and he just changed his mind, after reading yours and others posts on here. Seems like the word is out...surprising to see that many were so unaware.

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Post by AlabamaSwamper »

UPDan wrote:Well the certificate date clarifies the hold up on papers Also, 3 years to paper a dog that is suppose to be a good running dog? To me it sounds like the seller bought this dog as a pup or made a deal, lost interest in it right away and it sat in his yard for a couple years and never did anything with it. Hence the paper date of certificate being October 10, 2005. I may be off the path but considering this seller supposedly being "prominent" and in the business, wouldn't you think that a "good hound" would have been papered a lot sooner than that? I'm an old timer and I been in this sport up here for a very long time and have seen my share of trickery with the subject involved. Lesson: This guy WILL NOT sell a "good" young dog, I assure you!

Dan J.
Actually, I just swapped my best dog last week, after 3 years. I had completely forgot about it, until I went to send the puppy papers off for a litter he sired. I guarantee it wasn't because he wasn't a good rabbit dog. He was from day 1 at a year old when I bought him.
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Post by UPDan »

That is understandable in your case, but Dean doesn't hunt over his dogs. He is a trialer. All the good running trial dogs are papered as soon as they are proven to be able to a trial, in most of trialing situations.

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Stump Jumper
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Post by Stump Jumper »

Look, the bottom line is this, Chris got cheated that is the bottom line. Dean has two options either replace the hound or give the money back. In my mind these are the only acceptable options. I understand this hounds behavior can be modified that is not the point. If I was selling a hound you can bet I will tell you everthing good and the bad. I would rather be known in the world of Beagling as a man of my word with ok hounds, than a untrust worthy liar who would tell you everything you wanted to hear.

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Post by Chris »

UPDan wrote:Hey Chris, any new news on how your hound is running? Have you taken her out more?
Yes, I've run her twice since the last truck-chasing episode. In those two trips she's run rabbit, dog and human, and still likes to bark on phantom rabbits. I purposefully took her to a place with no roads so that automobiles wouldn't be an issue. She's the mouthiest, most babbling piece of dooley that I've ever seen in a beagle. I won't be taking her to the woods any more. She's virtually useless in the woods as a hunting dog. To be honest she's a waste of good dog food. The only way she could be any further from his description of her is if she were a he. :neutral: Lying and thieving for a buck is just plain wrong.
UPDan wrote:Any word from the seller?
Nope, not yet. As stated in the registered letter he's got until 11/15 before the crap hits the fan.
UPDan wrote:I just spoke to a fella who was about to go and buy a dog from Dean, and he just changed his mind, after reading yours and others posts on here.
Good. I hope by making this public that it saves someone the same grief and aggravation that I've had.
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Post by wvrabbithunter »

i love my patch hounds,all day every day,they hunt on ice snow and in the rain,the only time i have seen them have trouble is when it 90 and the sun is bright and it anit rained in a few weeks got to love them dogs,and the people that own them,frank

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