Look at the stray that showed at my kennels today

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Look at the stray that showed at my kennels today


Found this stray wondering around my pens today, thought about shooting him,but decided that i make a bear dog if nothing else, being there are so many here in Crossville.



I'll be durn he already chased 1 down on the first day, i believe i will keep him for a day or 2 longer. LOL

Donnie Gibson/Plateau Kennels

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Post by rimfirematt »

Cute pup! What did he chase?
on another note... I dont want to stir anything up with us dog owners. But your comment of 'I was thinking of shooting him" probably didnt need to be said. I live around sled dog kennels and am familiar with the need for the task and the most common method for "culling", howver some tact must be used when describing this. Lots of ANTI's, anmal rightests and nuetral non hunters can and do read these forums. I know Kinder and genteler seems kinda lame, but you know, it will not give people more reasons to hate us or question the ethics of our sport.

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Post by Huntin54 »

yeah what did he chase. Is he a beagle or what you said a bear dog so i guess he isn't a beagle just wondering.

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OK here we go again.
Let me put this in to simple turms so everyone can understand this.

Quote me if you will,but this was only a joke to add some humor to some people's life for 1 day maybe, but i was just kidding around and showing off my new hound and yes he is a rabbit hound, huntin54 at least he better be or he won't stay in my pen long.lol

As for all the ANTI'S i apoligise if i offended anyone........................
I would never shoot a hound of mine period or further more anyone else's because for my love of all hounds, otherwise i would not spent my entire life working relentless hours with my father, grandfather, and for my own hounds which i have in my kennel's, meaning more than 1. And many great people that i has visited me on this board will tell you i take the beagling bussiness serious, along with the finest care possible of all my hounds,and if no one believes that just ask a few that are on this board that are well respected with many years of experiance with beagles, they will vouch for my love of the hounds and the sport.

I was just a proud owner of a new patch hound which i got today, and was wanting to show him off or brag on him alittle, as most normal rabitt hound owners do when they get a new one, if they are proud of there hounds, at least that is what i would think and have seen on this board from other fellow beaglers.

So to all the fine line readers and critics, i once again would like to say i didn't mean to offend anyone on this board, just hoping to get some laughter going on and some offers to come and get him out of my way as a JOKE.

rimfirematt thanks for the compliment on the pup i think he's a dandy, and can't wait to get him on them bunnies in the field soon. I hope to get to spend as much time as i can with him, to watch his progress as he grows.

Donnie Gibson/Plateau Kennels

P.S. Beagles that run rabitts only not bears or anything else as far as that goes.{ LOL}

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Post by DarrinG »

PLATEAUBEAGLER wrote:As for all the ANTI'S i apoligise if i offended anyone........................
I would never shoot a hound of mine period or further more anyone else's because for my love of all hounds, otherwise i would not spent my entire life working relentless hours with my father, grandfather, and for my own hounds which i have in my kennel's, meaning more than 1. And many great people that i has visited me on this board will tell you i take the beagling bussiness serious, along with the finest care possible of all my hounds,and if no one believes that just ask a few that are on this board that are well respected with many years of experiance with beagles, they will vouch for my love of the hounds and the sport.
I'll tell you guys this much....I dont give a rat's behind what any anti-hunting, anti-gun liberal whacko thinks about anything. Period. Dont apologize for anything to any left-wing animal-right's freak Donnie. What about putting an aggressive dog down? Or our hunting rights? Sorry, but I dont harvest rabbits, I kill them, and if it hurts some little twirp of a prissy anti-hunters feelings, then so be it. I wont loose any sleep over it, and neither should you. I also take as good of care of my animals as anyone, anywhere. Come see if you dont believe me. But I arise, kill and eat and I aint apologizing for it. I'm just dang glad I'm atop the food chain, LOL!

BTW Donnie, that's an odd color dog for your kennels aint it? What's up with that? LOL. {{nice looking pup}}......better be careful, when he grows a little, he'll start putting it to `em and you'll be getting rid of those brankalo hounds! Good luck with him! ;)
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Post by Bopeye »

An animal rights wacko cannot be appeased......period.
You've got to stand your ground with them, same as with any of the other liberal activists running around out there.
I refuse to give up a single inch to anyone like that. They'll just take that inch and want another and another and another, etcetera.

Ain't gonna do it. I have yet to see where the left wing, liberal extremists have ever done one good thing to help out mankind, if anything they have been detrimental in almost every case.

BTW, what happened to that dog.........looks like he lost all his color.
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Post by Huntin54 »

If they don't wanna read that kind of stuff maybe they shouldn't be reading this board.

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darring i am confused how do u really feell???dont hold back spit it out!!
oh nice looking hound donnie whats he out of??
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Thanks all for the compliment on my new pup, i'm really happy to have him in my pen, which i finally got the chance to purchase one.

As for ANTI wacko's they don't bother me, they eat beef, hog, chicken,and even some Dalmers lawn ham {BOLOGNA} on various times, and if i'm not mistaken they must die before you eat them. At least i hope so otherwise it would be kinda messy. LOL

We hunt not only for the sport but for the food,and yes we kill to eat like you said Darrin, and we only take what we plan to eat in the field, we just love to hunt and if killing is a bad word to the ANTI'S then they need to get over it, for it has been going on forever, and we pay fees to have this right through our Wildlife Management programs, otherwise our animals in the woods would be so infected with virus, they wouldn't be worth eating,and dangerous to there enviroment causing the exstinction of our wildlife and thats why it is regulated.

Now that funny color pup i got he sticks out like a fly in a bowl of rice in my pens.LOL I don't have much trouble locating him when i go to feed everyday thats for sure, but i had to do something Darrin, i'm kinda tring to a least give you alittle compition when you come and run with us here in TN, getting pretty tired of you putting the smoke on us with them funny colored hounds of yours, so i figured out that maybe if i got one that was close to the color of your hounds i might stand a chance now. LOL

Really i hope he turns out well in the field, which he has the bloodline to do so, at least from what i heard about yesterday his ol pap is running in the Championship Bracket in Tullahoma Tn and stands a really good chance on winning, but only time will tell about his pup that i got and i sure wished i could have droped ol Major down in along with them just to see how he would have done running against some of the finest hounds in the surrounding states cause they were all there from what i have heard and he has done well even if he has only run in 1 ARHA LP Trial he showed me alot that he has what it takes by taking 2nd at 1yr & 9 months old. And 1 of them funny looking hounds is what caused him to lose by 1 check dang it.LOL

thanks again guy's for the compliments on the pup, i'm sure glad to have a hound like that in my kennels.


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Post by Stumbo's Beagles »

Thats a great looking hound PLATEAUBEAGLER and dont worry about what people say. I knew you was just joking. Hope he turns out to make all your dreams come true.
J. Stumbo

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Post by LoneStarBeagler »

Nice pup Plateau.

As for shooting strays...Living in the county as I and many others do, we get a lot of nice city folk dropping their unwanted pets off down our roads. They think they are doing the dog a favor by letting it roam free in the country. Well I get so many dogs carrying God knows what. Almost all of them have mange. Our county animal control officer, an elected position, told me to stop calling so much. I told him that if they would come and get them I would stop calling. He told me to start shooting, that is what they do, and stop calling. I asked if the county was going to pay for my time and ammo. The next time he came out he brought 2 bricks of 22 ammo. Not so many strays around now. If anyone doesnt like it, tough sh1t. Come deal with it yourself. I will be more than happy to bring the 75 or so strays I shoot each year to your house and let you deal with them. Until then everyone who objects can shove it. Waste your breath complaining to the people who drop off their dogs, not those that have to end the problem. If you want to argue about this more, please do. I love to hear the poor excuses and reasons people have for me to not shoot them.

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Post by Boomer »

"Living in the country"...in Houston? That's a new one on me.

Texas law requires loose dogs which are not an immediate threat to life or property under "vicious dog" statutes to be seized and held for claim for at least 3 days. No animal control/shelter in Texas is permitted to shoot dogs except in cases of emergency.

Sounds like your animal control officer is breaking a number of laws, with you acting as an accomplice. 75 counts/yr doesn't sound too good, although your animal control officer probably numbers in the thousands of counts/yr.

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Post by rimfirematt »

I didnt know what you were saying was a joke. like I said people do it here all the time. For that Im sorry for bringing it up and making parts of your post become hostile.

What I was trying to say was this.

In areas of Alaska (native villages) there is a bounty on stray dogs. Most of these dogs are sled dogs that didnt make the cut or are escapees. Given the limited resources out in the bush, the best method of disposal is shooting. Animal rights people got ahold of this and guess what? they persuaded a whole lot of people who at one time were nuetral on raising and using dogs for hauling stuff to people who are now under the impression that sled dog mushers are barbaric and cruel. Needles to say the iditarod has come under intense fire lately

Like I said, I understand the problem and the cure.

You say you dont care what they think? how about when its voting time. I gurantee more voters are non hunters, anti hunters and animal rights freaks.

We as a group do need to excercise tact, taste and compassion when discussing our activities publiclly (sp?) LOL. Why? so people who are nuetral will either stay nuetral or lean our way come voting time.

Lets say your a nuetral Non hunter and you hear Bob hunter say " Today I took my beagles out and harvested 2 rabbits for dinner tonight. It was a lot of fun, the dogs got lots of excersise and now I get to eat a great dinner. If hunting comes up in the future you would probaly think that the sport is just, fair and humane.

Now lets assume bob hunter says, "today I ran my hounds and they chased the snot out them rabbits, well I blew those rabbits heads clean off with the old double Haha that was hillarious". Now bob has given you reason that hunting is barbaric and is only done by people born with a taste of blood in their mouth.

Here in Alaska we almost lost our privelage to bait black bears last spring. And Im sure it all started when some clown said how easy it was to just put out doghnuts and wait for them to come in. (which is not really the case by the way) All I can say is it took a load of advertising dollars to match what the antis had. It also took me a lot of explaining to nuetral hunters that the practice was by no way easy and that it gave hunters a better chance to harvest trully mature and cub free bears.

Im a hunter, a beagler and your freind. Please read and understand my point of view
Last edited by rimfirematt on Sun Sep 18, 2005 8:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by LoneStarBeagler »

I only use Houston as a reference point. I actually live about 60 miles outside of Houston.

If an animal is destroying my property I have every right to shoot it. I can't count the number of times strays have torn my fence apart trying to get to a female in heat or attack one of my dogs. It's not like I sit in a blind waiting for them. Have you ever walked out of your front door to be greeted by 20 or more strays? Have you ever closed the door and turned around into a snarling pitbull and had to sprint and high jump int the back of your truck? That one got it with a pipe. So before anyone decides to be judge, jury, jailor, and witness, they might need to know the conditions which are prevelant here. If they destroy some thing or are a threat to my dogs or property they will die. I know who has dogs out here and who does not. If it is someones dog that is loose or if it has tags I wil catch it and return it. If people would stop dumping them, I would stop killing them. Why don't we here a big uproar about those people that dump 'em? Because everyone wants to hate those that have to deal with the problem, not those that cause it. and 75 is a low count. also that doesn't include those that I scare off.

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thanks stumbo i guess some people can't take a joke.

lsb thanks also, we have the same problem in these parts, but our county animal control officers keep them under pretty good control but we don't have that big of a area as you have to cover i would think.
I will say that there are a few ol fellers who take the laws into there own hads and save there dialing finger in some of these areas here.

Donnie/Plateau kennels

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