Dogs names not allowed anymore?

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Alabama John
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Re: Dogs names not allowed anymore?

Post by Alabama John »

Its interesting that intelligent men will say we are descendents of apes but never think, over time, that apes might of just as well descended from us.

Evolution does not always go forward and upward. It sometimes, many times, digresses.

Looking back at found evidence of animals and other creatures of thousands of years ago, so many are non existent today.

Another possibility is they were created entirely different by God and have been apes all through history as discoveries of various ape
bones, etc. has shown. Never seen a part human and part ape bone discovered.

Interesting that creation, many of various species here on earth all have 2 eyes looking forward, 2 ears, one on each side, one mouth and butt hole, one front and one in rear and are alike in many features. Same with species like fish, birds, reptiles, humans, animals, still the same but that doesn't make us all kin. It does point to a master creator, designer though. in so many ways.

randy hicks
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Re: Dogs names not allowed anymore?

Post by randy hicks »

If homosexuality being natural is your best argument, I leave you with this. morning breath is just as natural, but do you live with it or do you get up in the morning and brush your teeth? one last word that will take care of this myth AIDS you cant argue with that.

Mo. Beagler 5000
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Re: Dogs names not allowed anymore?

Post by Mo. Beagler 5000 »

Alabama John wrote:Its interesting that intelligent men will say we are descendents of apes but never think, over time, that apes might of just as well descended from us.

Evolution does not always go forward and upward. It sometimes, many times, digresses.

Looking back at found evidence of animals and other creatures of thousands of years ago, so many are non existent today.

Another possibility is they were created entirely different by God and have been apes all through history as discoveries of various ape
bones, etc. has shown. Never seen a part human and part ape bone discovered.

Interesting that creation, many of various species here on earth all have 2 eyes looking forward, 2 ears, one on each side, one mouth and butt hole, one front and one in rear and are alike in many features. Same with species like fish, birds, reptiles, humans, animals, still the same but that doesn't make us all kin. It does point to a master creator, designer though. in so many ways.
We say we descended from apes not because we came from them but because we came AFTER them... just like you descended from your mom and dad nit vice versa but other than that, you are spot on about "digresses" though because that implies evolution thinks and it doesn't. It just naturally selects traits best at surviving.

And as for humans being seperately made, it is possible I guess but we do actually have neandertal fossils, like thousands of them and we also have discovered about 20-30 new fossils in the past 4-5 years that has changed our model of how evolution happened in humans. Some really good info about on PBS Nova Science now with Neil Degrass tyson and the guy who played on Mash. Also DNA prvoes we are ancestors and related.. Heck we are all 20% tree from a DNA standpoint.

randy hicks wrote:If homosexuality being natural is your best argument, I leave you with this. morning breath is just as natural, but do you live with it or do you get up in the morning and brush your teeth? one last word that will take care of this myth AIDS you cant argue with that.
This is your problem, you think being gay is a choice... I can choose to live like a slob or brush my teeth, I cannot make myself not like women... just like gays cannot make themselves straight. and how the heck does aids prove anything...? You do know straight people can get it and what about herpes, syphilis, gonorrhea, warts, chlamydia, HPV, etc.. They are all male/femla diseases? does that prove that male/female sex is wrong? No it doesn't. not at all and is honestly offensive and ridiculous.
God isn't real, Beer is good and people are crazy, there I fixed it.

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Re: Dogs names not allowed anymore?

Post by dave404 »

[quote][/quote]just like gays cannot make themselves straight
A life so messed up ,I agree. It takes God to straighten them up.

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Re: Dogs names not allowed anymore?

Post by beaglestotrack »

Mo beagler 5000
That is just theory as far as where we as humans originally came from..
We are now figuring out that our planet was most likely seeded.. ancient alian theory..

Look up the golden means spirial and know this is a plue print for intelligent design. There is too much standard in life on out planet to think any other way.. our d.n.a is 98percent the same as basically every living thing on this planet..

In the bible it explains how a rib was taken to create another human. This is just a form of cloning a rib holds all the d.n.a too do this.

Basically it is all theroy, but scientists are getting enough facts now days to support intelligent design

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Re: Dogs names not allowed anymore?

Post by beaglestotrack »

Mo beagler 5000
That is just theory as far as where we as humans originally came from..
We are now figuring out that our planet was most likely seeded.. ancient alian theory..

Look up the golden means spirial and know this is a plue print for intelligent design. There is too much standard in life on out planet to think any other way.. our d.n.a is 98percent the same as basically every living thing on this planet..

In the bible it explains how a rib was taken to create another human. This is just a form of cloning a rib holds all the d.n.a too do this.

Basically it is all theroy, but scientists are getting enough facts now days to support intelligent design

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Re: Dogs names not allowed anymore?

Post by sparky »

Mo. Beagler 5000 wrote:Also, I am not opposed to the idea there is a god...
Well atleast you do believe there could be a God.

randy hicks
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Re: Dogs names not allowed anymore?

Post by randy hicks »

There is second player in the this game no one speaks of the father of lies,he is working among the world. To re-think what your doing, you might be doing the work for the master of lies making men skeptical and leading them into his favor, everything in this life you do is your choice you have free will.

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Re: Dogs names not allowed anymore?

Post by Rabbithoundjb »

I agree Randy, everything is your choice including sexual preference. Your not born gay just like your not born a Christian, atheist, jew, buddist or murderer.

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Re: Dogs names not allowed anymore?

Post by warddog »

5900+ views on this subject and I still do NOT know what to believe. I read all the yea sayers and then read the nay sayers and I'm still at maybe or maybe not. I then turn to scripture as many have quoted and find them all to be BELIEF and interpretation of what someone has written without any more proof of being what they are claimed to be then the THEORIES of evolution and creationism . As those that say evolution is THEORY because it can NOT be proven, they must then also concede that creationism is also theory or merely belief. My grandfather was a very religious man who spent hours studying the bible after he realized his life of sin was getting him nowhere. We had ALL these very discussions as are being had here and I posed all the same questions to which he could not rationally explain either but said "YOU JUST HAVE TO BELIEVE." Well, I can't help it nor can I explain it but I happen to be born with a visual personality, meaning that if I can't see proof of it, I can not believe it in my heart and soul. Telling me to just have faith or believe in the unknown is about like telling me when I was a kid that one of my cousin's girlfriends, that I ran around with ALL the time, may have actually liked girls better than him. I guess I have evolved to the point that I now know that to be a FACT as one of them did actually come out of the closet to profess her love of women rather than men. Is that right or wrong, I truly do not know but I suspect that she sampled both in her day and came to the realization of what suited her just as those conclude what suits them in their beliefs. If using the belief of marriage not being final unless consummated by sex with the ability to reproduce, I then ask how about ALL those folks who can not have children from no fault of their own or CHOOSE not to. Then I ask the question of how did Jesus come to be when his mother Mary was a virgin but yet she was married. Mary was supposedly impregnated by the SPIRITUAL seed but where did that come from? Immaculate conception has never been witnessed then nor now or anytime in between and is a dogma, opinion or belief.
I will cast not a single stone at anyone or their belief nor will I use my belief as an excuse for doing so when it comes to treating ALL mankind equally. I belief that I am not here on this earth to judge nor am I here to recreate but rather to learn life's lessons of goodness of man and strive to be the best I can be at it. YES, I have made many wrong turns traveling these avenues many dark and gloomy but I have corrected but learned from every one of them, without having to rely on religion per se. It is my belief that right and wrong is also learned behavior of which infringing upon anyone's right to be who or what THEY believe themselves to be is a wrong or a sin in religious belief that must be corrected before that person will enter the heaven's above! For let them without sin (wrongs) cast the first stone and if you are judging you are sinning as the scripture says there is but one judge! Don't say you are not judging as they can do as they want but then you say being gay is wrong then you have made a judgment in violation of the very scripture you believe.

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Alabama John
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Re: Dogs names not allowed anymore?

Post by Alabama John »

There are some mentally, physically, sexually, screwed up humans born with a lot of defects and being of mixed up sex is just one.

All of us have seen supposedly men that from birth looked and acted like girls and were too young to realize it and later women. Vice versa too. This is nothing new, its been that way for many thousands of years and other cultures have treated them differently. Some killed them and some like our Native Americans made a big deal out of it and dressed them in different clothing while thinking their difference was from God, the Supreme Being, Great Spirit, or whatever other name they called Him. He's been called hundreds if not thousands of names and descriptions.

Just back a few years ago, no homosexual was allowed to join the military and that question was asked on the first military application along with a long list of mental and physical infirmities to be checked off yes or no.

Since those that checked yes to homosexuality tendencies couldn't be drafted, there became a lot more of them real quick during war time!!! LOL

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Re: Dogs names not allowed anymore?

Post by dave404 »

Mo Beagler stated "That was the most ridiculous thing I have ever watched.. If you believe in that or the "angry atheist" no amount of reasoning will sway your beliefs"

You finally got one thing correct. You or anyone else will never sway my belief in God. Once experienced you or nothing can sway any man or woman's belief in Him.
By reading your comments, it sounds like u may have had a bad experience or recieved a counterfeit instead of the True way. It seems to have poisioned your heart and mind and you have no peace within thus causing you to lash out at God and His people.
You blame God for the wickedness and evil in this world. God is not to blame !! He warned mankind of the consequences that would come due to disobedience.
At times i wander are there such a thing as an atheist.. If they are so certain in their belief that God doesn't exist, why do they keep fighting against those that do believe ??
Science and the Bible do agree, although the Bible is way ahead of science.
I see others comments and see many are undecided in what or Whom to believe. Faith is the key so be certain in where and Whom your faith is placed. Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by Gods word. We all know one day we will leave this world and your soul is something not to gamble with.
I also see comments from some that looks like your minds are made up and u want nothing to do with God. If you die in your unbelief your destiny is sealed.
You called yourself an ape, sorry pal but im a human being created by the Great Creator himself. When He created Adam he also created a helper for him called WOMAN, seeing the animal kingdom including the apes were not a suitable helper, and gave mankind dominion or rule over the animal kingdom. I and u have dominion over the apes.
I'm married to a beautiful WOMAN, and no she hasn't got a hairy body, but a creation of God himself.
But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost: In whom the god of this world(satan) hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.
Please folks, dont listen to this foolishness but read and listen to God's word and treasure your soul and where you will spend eternity.
Jesus said " whoever is not for me is against me.
Whoever tried to do away with God(u never will), upholds homosexuality, etc.. etc.. cannot expect nothing but the judgement of God instead of His blessings.
Deep down in every persons innermost, u know right from wrong, I or anyone else dont need to tell u that. So don't let satan blind you by his messengers.

Kenny VanHoose
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Re: Dogs names not allowed anymore?

Post by Kenny VanHoose »

I'm convinced now in evolution after reading some of these posts. I now know that there is half ape and half humans :shock:
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Mo. Beagler 5000
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Re: Dogs names not allowed anymore?

Post by Mo. Beagler 5000 »

Kenny VanHoose wrote:I'm convinced now in evolution after reading some of these posts. I now know that there is half ape and half humans :shock:
Such a truely ignorant statement... Here we are trying to have rational discussion and then you post something stupid and not worth even reading or debating. and yes, as a matter of fact, we do have neandertal DNA and we can literally clone it if we want to.

dave404 wrote:You finally got one thing correct. You or anyone else will never sway my belief in God.
And that is the problem.... a closed of mind and a closed off heart. At least I went to a bible college and studied it for years and then studied other things and I AM STILL OPEN TO jESUS if he somehow stopped being a jerk to humanity and showed himself to me in flesh and blood.

dave404 wrote: it sounds like u may have had a bad experience or relieved a counterfeit instead of the True way.
No not really, I just stopped believing in fairy tales when presented with the best available to be honest.. I just stopped believing in god when nothing happens when anyone prays or happens etc...
Alabama John wrote:You called yourself an ape, sorry pal but im a human being created by the Great Creator himself.
Saying is doesn't make it true...
dave404 wrote: If they are so certain in their belief that God doesn't exist, why do they keep fighting against those that do believe ??
God isn't real, Beer is good and people are crazy, there I fixed it.

Kenny VanHoose
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Re: Dogs names not allowed anymore?

Post by Kenny VanHoose »

You , rational? Give me a break. Stupid????? Very brave in your mothers basement.
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