Global Warming

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Mo. Beagler 5000
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Re: Global Warming

Post by Mo. Beagler 5000 »

Dear god... Yes trust your thermometer and crack jokes while 99 percent of the people who study this for a living agree there is Global climate change.

We changes the terminology because WE FOUND OUT NEW INFORMATION. YOU KNOW RESEARCH... Not because we are embarrassed about Al friggin Gore.

NO ONE is denying that climate change doesn't happen. Little ice age, receding snow pack etc... What we are saying is that Humans are accelerating the process that would not occur in our absence. Go to a community college, enroll in science class and educate yourselves before getting on the darn internet and making idiots out of yourselves.

At least provide sources for yor denial from credible sources that have actual PH.D's about the subject instead of one morning Faux news infomercial.
God isn't real, Beer is good and people are crazy, there I fixed it.

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Re: Global Warming

Post by beowolfe »

99 percent of liberal scientist might say it even though there is no scientific proof but on the other hand there are plenty of non liberal scientist who say global warming or climate change whatever liberal idiots call it is a farce. so has it ever snowed in south before the winter of 2013-2014? i got news for you it will snow in the south again. weather runs in cycles always has always will. one person already pointed out the la nina i sort of like el nino myself a lot warmer out.

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Re: Global Warming

Post by beowolfe »

here is a video nice starting point

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Re: Global Warming

Post by Rabbithoundjb »

Geez BEO that's not from fox, LMAO! Does every differing opinion come from fox, typical leftist response.

lowell robertson
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Re: Global Warming

Post by lowell robertson »

Is everyone who has different views and facts from ourselves an idiot. There used to be a medical definition of an idiot but it sounded harsh and did not describe the condition of someone who is mentally disabled so when one uses the word they are using it as a hate word. I'm just getting tired of hate words. When are so-called Conservatives and Liberals going to quite calling each other names and go back to being at least as civilized as we were in 1958. Beginning in the 60's we began to go down hill as a society and everyone blames some one else. This is one "Liberal" who loves God and the Plan that his son came to fulfill That Son taught that we should love each other, even our enemies and treat our neighbors (other rabbit hound lovers) as we would want to be treated.

Mo. Beagler 5000
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Re: Global Warming

Post by Mo. Beagler 5000 »

Ya, lets trust a video called The Myth of Global warming.... How about a non partisan view from scientists without an axe to grind.

Here is the evidence (pictures included) dig through, spend 5 10 20 hours looking at it and then make YOUR OWN opinion.. DOn't trust someone elses. Look at the raw data.
God isn't real, Beer is good and people are crazy, there I fixed it.

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Re: Global Warming

Post by beowolfe »

good point mr. robertson. i agree and i will not use the term liberal idiot any more. sorry if i offended any one else. getting back to climate change there is way more evidence against climate change than there is for climate change. here is a nice read from a german scientist ... s-by-2100/

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Re: Global Warming

Post by mybeagles »

These same "Scientist" promoting global warming are the same ones teaching the Big Bang theory and evolution as the beginning of life.....the only thing you can be sure of is the fact they will change everything up when it's determined through real science that their findings are completely impossible
Rob’s Ranger Rabbit Hunter (Lefty)
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Re: Global Warming

Post by beowolfe »

i do have one more question though. what is the bigger problem in the country at this point climate change or obama care?

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Re: Global Warming

Post by Rabbithoundjb »

God and liberal in the same sentence, LMAO!! Man we should just trust all of these scientist receiving tax payer money to prove that they should get more, again, LMAO!!

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Re: Global Warming

Post by shawnfrazier »

Plus a liberal from the 50's would be an extreme right winger now

Mo. Beagler 5000
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Re: Global Warming

Post by Mo. Beagler 5000 »

mybeagles wrote:These same "Scientist" promoting global warming are the same ones teaching the Big Bang theory and evolution as the beginning of life.....the only thing you can be sure of is the fact they will change everything up when it's determined through real science that their findings are completely impossible

There is more evidence for evolution than any other theory in science. It is a FACT> Cannot deny the evidence unless you honestly are deceiving yourself.

Fossils, vestigial appendages, age of the Earth, carbon dating, DNA, Ice record, soil records, the fact that we have OIL IN THE GROUND, Plate tectonics, etc.

Bill Nye just destroyed the best creationists have to offer. The house of cards you religious types have made up is falling.
God isn't real, Beer is good and people are crazy, there I fixed it.

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Re: Global Warming

Post by Newt »

Mo. Beagler 5000 wrote:Dear god... Yes trust your thermometer and crack jokes while 99 percent of the people who study this for a living agree there is Global climate change.

What leftist rag did you get that from? Maybe 99% who get their funding from the government agree.

We changes the terminology because WE FOUND OUT NEW INFORMATION. YOU KNOW RESEARCH... Not because we are embarrassed about Al friggin Gore.

No, they were discovered lying and distorting their model to make their science conclude their goal. Once it was proven that man was not heating the planet at the rate they predicted, the Sun heats the planet, they had to change their terminology. Global warming became Climate Change.

NO ONE is denying that climate change doesn't happen. Little ice age, receding snow pack etc... What we are saying is that Humans are accelerating the process that would not occur in our absence. Go to a community college, enroll in science class and educate yourselves before getting on the darn internet and making idiots out of yourselves.

At least provide sources for your denial from credible sources that have actual PH.D's about the subject instead of one morning Faux news infomercial.
BS, you prove its warming. Those UN Scientists have as much credibility as Obama so don't give us any of their charts. Who pays for those PHD's research? Do they depend on government grants?

Do you still believe Obamacare is helping the country?

John Way
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Re: Global Warming

Post by John Way »

Many of these same phd's that supply data on global warming /climate change can't reasonably predict next hurricane season , rain fall or hell the pending storm 2 days out. Oh,and we can trust all of their work funded by a big liberal goverment to be 100% true and accurate. Money plays no part in any findings. :lol: :lol: Sure, we as a society need to embrace ideas to improve our planet , but injecting a bunch of lopsided data into the picture certainly is not the solution.

jim matuszewski
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Re: Global Warming

Post by jim matuszewski »

you would have to be a total flipping idiot not to believe that 7 billion people wouldn't have any influence on the world climate

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