Eye issue HELP

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Eye issue HELP

Post by Jbfous01 »

I'm new to beagling, bout 6 months in but my dogs keep having eye issues and I don't know why. After I run them on several occasions their eyes turn red and look like they swell some. When they look straight at me their eyes look like their going back in the sides of their heads. By the next day they'll be back to normal. I see my male rubbing his head on the ground like his eyes are irritated when I put him in the kennel. Anybody ever seen this?

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Re: Eye issue HELP

Post by hcaplinger »

yeah its pretty common this time of year.they will get little seeds and all kinds of stuff in there eyes as well as cuts.normally a day or so and there good to go.
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Dale Pea
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Re: Eye issue HELP

Post by Dale Pea »

It wont hurt them to put some saline solution in their eyes. The same stuff that people who use contact lens use.

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Re: Eye issue HELP

Post by Jbfous01 »

Thanks for the help guys

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Re: Eye issue HELP

Post by FlyinSoLow »

My old dog (5 years old) just never got ran like she should. Marriage, work, horses, and running retrievers just kept me from getting out like I should have. This year things have changed and she's getting out a lot more becuase I'm running a new pup.

Anyway; she lives Inside, and wasn't getting run much, when she did get out come the end of summer she would hit the ground running, her adrenaline seemed to be oozing and ver flowing from her, and she ran herself hard for that rabbit. She hunts pretty fast once she gets on one, and by the end of the day ( usually after I tackled her and drug her to the truck kicking and screaming) her eyes would be bright red and she often looked a lil drunk. She often didn't move much the following day. I think she was drunk of something; adrenaline :lol: . By the end of rabbit season she was in the grove and settled down and looked less drunk and sacked out at the en of the day.

I don't know a whole lot, so that's just my two cents.
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Re: Eye issue HELP

Post by Househounds »


This is what happens to one of mine when he runs in the summer and the pollen is bad. I give him some benedryl and it clears up later that day or by next morning for sure.
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Re: Eye issue HELP

Post by east80kennels »

get u some eye drops like clear eyes, or something like that wont hurt em a bit

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Re: Eye issue HELP

Post by Crow »

I have the same issue from time to time, especially if I run in an area with a lot of sericea in the area. Like several have said, flushing with saline or similar solution will help but not always. Dogs have a "third eyelid" that helps protect their eye from injury, the problem is this creates a pocket if you will inside the eyelid that can trap things like seeds and pollen. Mine seem to get the little leaves off the sericea grass in there a lot. You can take a cotton swab (the kind the doctor and vet uses not Q-tips they have to much fuzz on them) and moisten it with saline and insert in into this pouch and sweep out the junk so to speak. My vet showed me how to do it and even gave me a fist full of the swabs, only takes a couple seconds and dogs will be feeling better in minutes. I would not try this without being shown by a vet or at least someone who knows how to and has done it successfully many times. It is not a hard procedure, in fact it is very easy and the dogs don't seem to mind it after the first time or two. But it is a procedure that should be done correctly, again it's really very easy, but it's something you need to be shown to do not told how to do. That's why my description is so vague, I don't wanna try to talk someone through it and have them poke their dogs eye out because they misunderstood or I suck at describing something. Anyway, talk to your vet or someone you have confidence in and have them SHOW you how to do it. It works great and it is pretty much instant relief for these little hounds. Good luck.

bill (flint river )
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Re: Eye issue HELP

Post by bill (flint river ) »

i use rose mary tea bags. start off with a cup of hot water drop the tea bag and wait till it cools off then clean the eyes out. let them heel before u go back out, i had a femal go blind from this, her eyes fogged over and never recovered. my son didnt lock the kennel door and she got out the next day and went hunting.

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Re: Eye issue HELP

Post by bigjohn »

I use a saline solution also.Lift the eyelid and flush and flush.I then put a little eye ointment in their eyes and this helps sooth them.The area around the eyes get pretty raw after a couple of days,so I try and let them heal up a couple of days before running them again.

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Re: Eye issue HELP

Post by Bull_357 »

Neosporne directly in the eye works great just make sure it's the original kind and not the cream and other types. Clears them up way quicker then anything else. My red female has this issue almost anytime she runs in the summer longer then 2 hrs.

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