lost dog

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lost dog

Post by 20guage1 »

I dont know if this post will help, but on the off chance we recover the dog, I will post this. yesterday was the last day of the Pa. rabbit season, and we managed to lose a dog in the 7valleys, york county area. she is a 1 year old tri color female, a real sweet dog. its been over 24 hours now, and our hope for her recovery is fading. she has a id collar, and a tritronics e collar on, when last observed. Please if u have any info, or know the location of this dog, please dont hesitate to call 717-776-6659. thanks for ur time, and interest.

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Re: lost dog

Post by goodpickens »

We got a call this morning about one of our dogs that's been missing since Tuesday, so don't give up hope. There are a lot of honest people out there.

team fudd
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Re: lost dog

Post by team fudd »

It is always a good idea to leave your hunting coat, shirt, or something there for the dog, I have lost one like that only to find them layin on my coat a couple days later. dont give up hope. Good luck finding your hound. I know the feeling. FUDD

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Re: lost dog

Post by 20guage1 »

To all who responded, thanks for taking the time, and for the tips, the little bugger was captured on Monday morning, she acted like she never met her master b4, and it took a lot of gas,patience, and luck to lure her back, and we really do not know why. all is well that ends well, and once again thanks for ur time, tips, and understanding.


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Re: lost dog

Post by Emery »

Glad to hear you have your dog. I lost 2 at one time before, I got a call a week later about one and the other one was found dead about a month after the incident. Just someone happened to be walking in the woods and saw him lying there.
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raccoon crk kennel
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Re: lost dog

Post by raccoon crk kennel »

a friend of mine found one hunting beside a highway he picked it up and called the # on the tag and the man said he had lost it nearly a year ago! wierd but thats what happened. and as the previos poster said always leave a piece of clothing were you turned loose most the time they will be there with it when you go back! if you shocked her a bunch thats y she was so nervios acting, may want to put her on check cord and make sure shes collar broke. probly ran from the shocker. they will do that. glad you got her back though!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bells Run Kennels
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Re: lost dog

Post by Bells Run Kennels »

Here is something to consider...I lost two dogs on Saturday and LUCKILY got them back on Sunday...1 dog at a time...and they had taken a fox and ecided to run it like they knew how...hre is my point. This time ANY OTHER YEAR and our PA bunny season would have been OVER. We got an EXTRA 2 weeks and lots of snow and i think the heavy snow and the lack of cover had my dogs stretching out further to jump a rabbit and it also exposed more fox to us as the winter sorta broke for a bit and we got that warm up which also brought the fox and coyotes back into the thickets looking for food. The extra two weeks of the season were so different then the rest of the season for us it was noticable. Even my hunting buddies said it made for a long season ...we hunt EVERY WEEKEND and every off day and after work almost 2 nights a week so its a lot of hunting...the 2 weeks after deer season and the last 2 weeks of February made for an EXTRA MONTH of season...GOOD MOVE but it was still DIFFERENT .....Just a thought!!
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Re: lost dog

Post by tenntreedog »

You might want to watch her she may be coming in heat. I had one that acted just like you said could not catch her she acted as if she had never saw me before took 4 days to catch her within a day or 2 she was in full blown heat..

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Re: lost dog

Post by 20guage1 »

I honestly dont think it was the shock collar, she has been running with a shock collar on for 10-12months, and this wasnt her 1st trash run, or 1st time being shocked. just my opinion, just trying to make sense out of the behaviour, so we dont have to experience the same nonsense again. What was really strange was we went back to the area we lost her with another dog, to leave scent, and act as bait to her, and she totally ignored the other dog, and her master. Baffells me!!, maybe the coming into heat sceanario is what had her mind befuddeled, its as good an excuse as anyother. once again thanks for the interest, opinions, and tips. I know I dont know it all, and all I really have is my opinion.


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Re: lost dog

Post by Cooz's Beagles »

Read an article in The Rabbit Hunter magazine about some hounds getting lost. Took owners two weks,and when they did find the dogs,they acted like your dog. One of the dogs even bit her owner. I think they just get a little confused and scared. I've lost my hound for a few hours one time, when I found him he took one look at me and almost took off, luckily he realized who I was!

Pete Tuck
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Re: lost dog

Post by Pete Tuck »

I got one of my males last night that had been gone for 10 days. He finally went to someone's house. He acted much like your female. Last friday evening I saw him at the very place I lost him. He was eating a deer carcass. When I approached him calling his name he took off in the other direction. I could not believe that he did that. Last night when my son and I picked him up he could not stop licking on us. He's happy to be home and I got my dog and my e-collar back.
Cedar Row Beagles
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