New WV Law

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Chip E
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New WV Law

Post by Chip E »

WV Dog Law
I know what Geronimo felt like. There are two few of us left, who care. Only 6 or 8 hunter's showed up against the Kanawha County Ordinance. I have had about enough, I aint surrendered yet. However if they would send me to Florida for the rest of my life, like they did Geronimo. I would consider surrender????? You people , I am asking for you help, we must get dog owner's and dog hunter's involved, or they are going to take it all away from us. They already have taken it in Kanawha County WV. If me and 6 or 8 hunter's from each county is all that oppose this sort or laws. Then the county commission is doing the will of the people.

It is like the DNR director and commissioner's meetings, there are small turn outs and they are always saying they need more people to get involved. Then when people like myself and others do take a stand and get involved. If we dont act like sheep and follow along. We are labeled trouble maker's, Oh no they dont care to ask us trouble makers for help when they need it!!!! This sort of thinking, if you dont agree with me then you are my enemy. I guess I can understand where it came from. Our President of these United States sets the example for the rest of us???? I wonder if the King of England thought George Washington was a trouble maker? You know, I bet he did. It is evident to the most casual observer, that merely because a person walks to the beat of a different drum, does not make him or her a trouble maker or your enemy?????

Gary Knapp

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Re: New WV Law

Post by BradWV »

So....what is the new law?

beagle crazy
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Re: New WV Law

Post by beagle crazy »

You can't tie out your dogs unless you're out there with them, then there are restrictions on what you tie them with; each dog must have 100 sqaure feet of pen space (but this could be waived upon the discretion of the humane officer depending on the size, breed and purpose of the dog); if it's over 85 or under 40, you're supposed to bring the dog inside...these are the parts of the ordinance that effect us hunters--the rest says you have to provide adequate shelter, food & water and keep the waste cleaned up--stuff we do anyway. If you want to see the whole thing, I can post it here (I think) or e-mail it to you. Some with big bear-dogs and coondogs may have problems with the "adequate shelter" part because they can no longer use barrels.

Chip is right, more of us need to get involved. I've never been involved in politics, but is looks like I'm starting now. They are NOT gonna take away my dogs!

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Re: New WV Law

Post by BCBeagles »

What do we have to do?? My dad is a good friend of our local delegate and my wife's cousin is the Governor! She calls him "Uncle Joe".
Please let me know if I can call someone and talk to them about this!

beagle crazy
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Re: New WV Law

Post by beagle crazy »

Call the County Commission!!!! You can look up the ordinance on the Kanawha County Commission website--I think this will take you straight to the ordinance, but I'm not sure. ... 202009.pdf
(May have to copy & paste)

The thing that troubles me most about this whole situation is that there were 3 or 4 open public meetings in July ------but of the 50 or so people I called last week after spotting an article in the paper, no one had heard anything about it! Kind of felt like to me, they were trying to sneak something in. I was told all meetings were highly publicised, but I find it hard to believe. Yes, there may have been an ad in the paper, but most of us don't have time to read the paper everyday-- We're busy working and taking care and training our dogs.

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Re: New WV Law

Post by BCBeagles »

Thanks, I will check into it as soon as I can.

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LR Patch
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Re: New WV Law

Post by LR Patch »

Groups like these folks are good to help with these things , but sounds like it may be too late for your issue. John is a good guy.
Randy Vanosdale
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Mike Gibeaut
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Re: New WV Law

Post by Mike Gibeaut »

I Live In Kanawha County First I Have Heard Of This.If They Posted A Notice In Newspaper Must Have Been Awful Small Print.I Am Calling WCHS Talk Radio Tomorrow After Noon.May Be Too Late But I Can At Least Let My Opinion Be Heard.More Government Intervention Just What We Need!!!!!!We Need To Remember This Come Election Time
Mike Gibeaut
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beagle crazy
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Re: New WV Law

Post by beagle crazy »

The WV Bear Hunters Association and the Sporting Dog Alliance or Gun Dog Alliance hadn't heard of it either when I got a hold of them last week. We need to do what we can now that we know. Call everyone that you can---every reporter, every newchannel---the county commission----let every dog owner you know know about this. We need to stand together and try our best not to let them railroad us!!! We need to make our voices heard!
I'm supposed to be notified about any further meetings so I'll let you all know. Let's just see if they do notify me---they should be able to---I gave them my work number, my home number, my cell number, they have my address, they have my e-mail address. I hate politics but I'm jumping in this fight and will not back down.

Dave Swiger

Re: New WV Law

Post by Dave Swiger »

I don't live in Kanawha county, but if I did, I know what I would do. I'm sure there is a SPCA or county dog shelter there, by god they would follow these rules to the letter or I would raise enough hell that they wish they would have. I don't know about you, but I'm sick of the governmant lawing the people to death. It's time the people voted these jerks out of office that have nothing better to do than create laws on top of laws on top of laws. Mades me sick.

Dave Swiger

beagle crazy
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Re: New WV Law

Post by beagle crazy »

Funny you should mention that. There was nice young man who spoke at the commission meeting last week who said he had just driven by the shelter, and they weren't following their own rules! It will be interesting to see what changes are made at the shelter after these new laws go into effect in 6 months. I for one will go look!!!

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Re: New WV Law

Post by BradWV »

"The WV Bear Hunters Association and the Sporting Dog Alliance or Gun Dog Alliance hadn't heard of it either when I got a hold of them last week."

Isn't Gary Knapp the President of some/all of these organizations? He then writes things like this when he only knew for a week himself?

"WV Dog Law
I know what Geronimo felt like. There are two few of us left, who care. Only 6 or 8 hunter's showed up against the Kanawha County Ordinance."

Doesn't sound like much of a leader to me. Sounds like he wants to bash us? Maybe it's just me, but it kind of rubbed me the wrong way!

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Re: New WV Law

Post by wvrabbithunter26836 »


beagle crazy
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Re: New WV Law

Post by beagle crazy »

BradWV: Just an FYI: Gary didn't post that--that was Chip E.

wvrabbithunter26836: Earlier in this post, I put in the address where you can read the ordinance on line--just copy and paste. And if that doesn't work for you, go the the Kanawha County Commissions website, click on Planning and Developement, then click on Ordinance, and it's at the top of the list--Anti-tethering Ordinance.

We need to make sure everydog owner is aware and as many of us as possible need to attend the next meeting!!!!!

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Re: New WV Law

Post by BradWV »

Beagle crazy,

I saw that Chip posted it, but I would bet that he copy and pasted it from somewhere. It does have Gary's name at the bottom.

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