bee sting allergy

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bee sting allergy

Post by sherry.sandberg »

Hi-Has anyone's beagle ever had a really serious allergic reaction to a bee or wasp sting? My one yr old female about died from one last week. It was scary how quickly she went into anaphylactic shock. let me know. Thanks, murph

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Post by Luvbeags »

I've not had one allergic to bees, yet, thank gosh.
We do have one that is allergic to BEEF, go figure, a dog allergic to BEEF!
Everytime she gets some she breaks out in hives. Really weird. We keep benedryl on hand just in case, and when she gets it real bad she has to go on prednisone.

I have heard of dogs allergic to bees. I work for a vet, and one of our patients passed away on the way to an emergency hospital from a bee sting.(we were closed)
So, it can happen. See if your vet will give you a bee sting kit with benedryl injection. Human kits use epinephrin, but I don't know if epi-pens will work for a dog... At the hospital where I work we give them benedryl and high doses of steroids, and oxygen if they are having difficulty breathing. It can be serious, I'd never tell anyone to just shrug off a bee sting. Hope your pooch is doing better.

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Post by Boomer »

I had one get stung the other week. He's been stung before, we think (had a hive active in the yard, and the side of his head swelled-up like a balloon...benedryl took care of it). This time, I saw it happen, and I had benedryl handy in my dog first-aid kid (which I just started carrying around a few weeks earlier), so I popped one right in. We were 20 minutes from the car and another 20 minutes or so to our house or a drug store.

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