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Benefit Hunt and Auction

Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2003 9:18 am
by Bev
Folks, I robbed this off the UKC board. I know Scott won't mind.

Ok guys (and ladies) I'm going to see if Beagle hunters have the HEART I think WE have. Alot of you know SAM FRY (many maynot) But Sam is a VERY respected member of The Holmes Conservation & Beagle Club in Holmesville Ohio, Anyway last summer Sam's daughter Gail and her boyfriend were "T-Boned" (hit broadside) while on there motorcycle, The impact SEVERELY CRUSHED Gails leg, After hours of surgery,and weeks in the hospital,Gail and her doctors decided it would be best if they amputated her leg,She now is up and walking (with a prostetic leg) Needless to say the BILLS JUST KEEP COMING(more than their insurance will pay)Niether one has been able to work since, So ON MARCH 29th 2003, The Holmes Conservation Beagle Club Will be holding a BENIFIT Dinner/Party/ AUCTION, Thats where YOU come in,EVERYONE IS INVITED,But those who can't make it,Are welcome to help too,ANY donations would be GREATLY APPRIECIATED, We will AUCTION ANYTHING!!! (LEGAL).We will also except cash donations,ect. If there is enough responce to this post I will set up a Bank Account for her,That way you all know GAIL WILL get the money you give. Come on people lets help out, Even if you just give the money you'd spend going to ONE trial,It ALL ads up and will definately help these 2 Fine young people get back on their feet. Thank you in advance, Scott Fluhart Any questions can reply to this post or e-mail me at

Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2003 9:21 am
by Bev
Scott, I've e-mailed you. Sending some help your way. Folks if you want to see what a nice guy and a good sport Sam is, look in the Nov. issue of The American Beagler - he and Ralph are dancing at the UKC World hunt in dresses and wigs to the song "I Like My Women A Little On The Trashy Side" - LOL! :haha: